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Throughout their entire marriage, they did not want to
                                                                 use the word “divorce.” It was not even in their vocab-
                                                                 ulary. “We used to sing a song, a vow to the Lord, that
                                                                 says I won’t go back,” Pastor Brown explained that the
                                                                 song,  in  conjunction  with  their  marriage,  the  vows
                                                                 meant ‘til death, that through sickness and all kind of
                                                                 trouble, they would keep their vows to each other and
                                                                 the  Lord.    So,  for  all  the  troublesome  times  and  the
                                                                 rough spots  you can encounter after 70 years, the ad-
      C                                                          vice  they  offer  is  this:  First  and  foremost,  take  your
               ovenant,  as  defined  by,  re-
                                                                 time and be as sure as you can be that your significant
               fers  to  “an  agreement,  usually  formal,  be-
                                                                 other  is  who  you  want  to  spend  the  rest  of  your  life
               tween two or more persons to do or not do
               something specified.” In a biblical sense, it is
                                                                 tionally, “make sure you understand all the vows you
      further  defined  as  “a  solemn  agreement  [taken  by    with and that your marriage is ordained by God. Addi-
      members  of  the  church]  to  act  together  in  harmony   are taking because divorce is not an option.  There is a
      with  the  precepts  of  the  gospel”  –  the  origin  of  that   solution for all of life’s simple problems that may arise
      being when God promised, or made a covenant to the         in a marriage, such as putting the top back on the tooth-
      Israelites to protect them if they abided by His Word.     paste or if they like one thing and  you like another,”
                                                                 Mother  Brown  jokes.  “In  a  covenant  marriage,”  she
      Pastor Emeritus Russell Brown and Mother Elizabeth         continues,  “not  wanting  to  give  up  and  knowing  that
      Brown recently celebrated their wedding anniversary,       since we had both  given our lives to the Lord…there
      marking the very day, 70 years ago, they took a cove-      wasn’t anything that He couldn’t help us resolve [by]
      nant to each other before Christ. From the beginning       acknowledging God in all ways.”
      of  their  relationship,  Mother  Brown  said  that  even
      though  they  were  in  separate  cities  then,  they  were                             If  you  love  the  Lord
      “kind of drawn toward one another so [they] didn’t try                                  with  all  your  heart,
      to go with anyone else.” Having a lot of teaching about                                 you’ll  love  your  mate
      seeking  God’s  favor,  her  husband  described  it  as                                 also.  As  Mother  Brown
      something he felt lead by the Lord to pursue.                                           described  in  an  inter-
                                                                 view, eventually, love as an emotion settles down and
      What’s even more incredible about their story is that
      even  leading  up  to  the  time  they  were  married,  they   you  are  only  left  with  the  real  deal.  All  you  are  left
      were able to build and grow together not only in their     with is the covenant – “solemn agreement to act in har-
      relationship,  but  in  their  walk  with  Christ.  Pastor   mony with the precepts of the Gospel” – and if we have
      Brown shared, “When I heard she went to the alter and      learned anything from the Browns, it is that by being in
      got saved, I went the next night and got saved too. Sal-   accordance with God’s will and His Word, your mar-
      vation  was  very  important  for  us.”  So  important  in   riage will be protected.
      fact, Pastor Brown’s best advice for those considering
      marriage is to “know and have a relationship with God             Happy 70th Anniversary
      first and he will lead you to the right person he wants
      you to be with for the rest of your life. It’s about rela-                          &
      tionship not religion.” In other words, to have a rela-                  Happy Birthday
      tionship with another, you must first have a relation-
      ship with Christ. Furthermore, Pastor Brown stands on          Pastor Emeritus Russell Brown, Sr.
      the word that if you seek Him with all your heart, you         Aug. 17, 2017 Celebrates 91 Years of Life

      will find Him –  “nobody  can find Him  for  you,  you                 Mother Elizabeth Brown
      have to know Him for yourself.”                               Sept. 26, 2017 Celebrates 85 Years of Life
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