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P. 5

Written by Evangelist Annette Hawkins

                                 From  the  beginning  of           We see in Luke 2:36-38, Anna, who was also
                                 time to the present, wom-          a widow.  She could have been consumed with
                                 en  have  had  to  fight  for      a  spirit  of  grief,  yet  she  chose  to  spend  her
                                 their rightful place in his-       time in the temple attending to God's business
                                 tory.    We  feel  like  a         and because of that, she prevailed.
                                 voice  in  the  wind  some-
                                 times.  We're silenced in          Jochebed  in  Exodus  2  shows  how  Moses's
      the church, in our own homes, in the workplace, and           mother made a life or death decision with her
      even in politics. Yet We Prevail.                             infant son.  Placing him in a basket could have
                                                                    proven fatal, but because his life was predes-
      We were created to be man's help meet, but some-              tined, she prevailed.
      times we're abused physically, emotionally and bul-
      lied spiritually by the ones we were created to help.         We see Hannah in I Samuel 1, being a barren
      A  woman  carries  a  baby  for  nine  months,  gives         woman, yet full of faith and committed.  She
      birth,  nurses  and  nurtures  the  baby  then  return  to    would not let go of her faith even though her
      work  to  help  provide  for  the  family.    We  plan        shame and being belittled she fought for what
      meals,  help  with  homework,  attend  parent  teacher        she wanted and because of her persistence, she
      conferences, meet deadlines, do laundry, and some-            prevailed.
      times feel under appreciated.  Yet We Prevail.
                                                                    For You Are Woman—We carry a lot of per-
      No this is not a rant, it's a reminder that God deter-        sonal pain, we fight a lot of silent battles, and
      mines our worth in Proverbs 31 and Psalms 139:14.             carry  a  lot  of  things  in  our  hearts.    Yet  we
      We insist that everyone's needs are met and some-             smile, we love and we laugh.
      times those we are doing things for forget to offer a
      simple, “that was a good meal” or “thank  you” or             Because we prevail, God always causes us to
      even a nod.  Yet We Prevail.  This is because God             triumph,  he  makes  our  feet  like  hinds  feet
      has set his approval on us.                                   (Habakkuk  3:19).    God  knows  us  by  name,
                                                                    you're  not  defined
      In Judges chapter 5,  we see the story of Deborah.            by  your  circum-
      This story shows us that the King was not doing as            stance, nor by what
      he should, so Deborah rose up to accomplish some              people  call  you  or
      things that needed to be done.  Today we have so              how  they  treat  you
      many women that have to lead and go out ahead of              but  by  what  God
      the  man,  which  is  out  of  order,  when  no  one  else    says about you.
      will go.  Yet We Prevail.
                                                                    Yes, women we are
      In 1 Kings 17:1-16, we see the Widow of Zarephath             something  in  the
      who  was  was  a  mother  left  to  provide  for  herself     Body  of  Christ  and
      and her son.  Her responsibilities as included help-          Yet We Prevail!
      ing  to  take  care  of  the  prophet  when  he  came  to
      town.  She had strong faith and it was because of
      her faith, she prevailed.

                                                                                     Kingdom    News   Magazine   ~ 5
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