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Message from the Editor

                                         By Erica McGraw
                              God is Love!  Praise Him!  This is the theme that came to me for this edition of Kingdom
                              News.  I want to thank all those that contributed to this edition of Kingdom News.  This
                              is our anniversary edition; Kingdom News is now one-year old.  The other three issues
                              this year had a predetermined theme and I was able to build from that, but this one I
                              asked my writers to write specifically on what the Lord lead them to write.  Everyone did
                              an   amazing job! Thank You!

                              God is Love!  Praise Him!  This theme is because as I thought about each article written,
                              I realized that no matter what it is we face, the Love of God is always available to us.  If
                              we pull on the will of God for our lives we shall prevail in this journey.  Elder Dotson
                              shared with us that we can be Delivered, but not yet healed; but God desires for us all to
                              be  healed.    He  desires  us  to  be  free  and  walking  in  purpose  and  destiny.    Evangelist
                              Hawkins,  shared  about  some  of  the  barriers  women  face,  but  encourages  that  even
        through these trials, we still prevail.  The article from Dr. Diane Thibodeaux, speaks of domestic violence, but
        God’s love is available to all whose life is affected by these types of violence.  God desires to heal the victim,
        the abuser and the innocent bystanders (the children).  Many are affected by Mental Illness and Depression, I
        thank Jessica Green for her transparency in her story to help others.  Our mind is a battle ground, but be being
        transparent, we become free and able to be overcomers through God’s love!

        Thanks to Tamara Marshall, who wrote about the 70 years of love between her grandfather and grandmother,
        Pastor Emeritus Russel Brown Sr. and his precious wife Elizabeth Brown.  They shared that the love of God is
        what kept them connected all of these years.  Their love story is one that is truly amazing and one that is not seen
        too often these days, so the story had to be told.  God is Love!

        The heart of Mrs. Gala Tallent speaks of God’s love.  When you see and hear of the work she does for those in
        need within her community, all you will see if God’s love.  Her heart is so full of compassion and a desire to
        help.  She is not fearful, because she knows she is called of God to this mission.

        All lives matter.  I just wish young Johnathan Donnell Hodges really realized how his life was so valuable.  God
        is love!  His story shows us we need to listen and be mindful of those reaching out to us for help.  We may not
        always know how to put it in words when asking for help, but there will be signs.  The love his mother had for
        him was great and his presence is greatly missed.  She remained strong for everyone else, but now is a time
        when she needs God’s love the most, she is learning to operate in a new normal, because her old normal has
        been hijacked, but God is love!

        Purpose and health are the last two areas to cover where God’s love is relevant for this edition.  He wants us to
        prosper in  His  purpose for our lives, Min.  Angela M.  Gracey  writes  about  those stepping forward into their
        purpose to write.  We also have Dr. Carolyn Ann Smith who helps us to realize that God is love, but sharing
        with us how to maintain a healthy diet and having our bodies “fit” from the inside out.

        Finally,  but  definitely  not  least,  but  we  hear  how  revival  has  broken  out  in  Central  Arkansas  at  the  Central
        Arkansas Worship Center located in Conway, AR.  Min. Latisha Hill had the task of capturing the fullness of
        what  God  wants  to  do  for  His  people  as  He  presents  Himself  in  miracle,  signs  and  wonders  through  the
        outpouring of His Love.  God is Love and He has so much of it for His people.

        See no matter our situations in life, God’s love will push us through and get us to a better place.  Learn to lean
        on and depend on the Love of God!  There is no other love like His!

        It is my sincere prayer that this edition of Kingdom News is a blessing to you!

                                               Erica McGraw
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