Page 4 - Kingdom News Edition 5 Online
P. 4
Written By
Elder Christine Dotson
Deliverance [dih-liv-er-uh ns] Heal [heel]
noun Verb (used with object)
1. The act of being rescued or set free. 1. To become sound or healthy again.
Psalm 107:19-21— “Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he saveth them
out of their distresses. He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from
their destructions. Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his
wonderful works to the children of men!”
o often we are caught up in the situations Prayer is the Major Key to it All!
of life and our immediate desire is for
God to get us out of the situation. For 1. Pray for God to reveal to you every hurt
S to deliver us out of what we are place, every broken place and every deformed
going through. We even at times attempt to place within you.
bargain with God… “If you get me out this time I
will never do it again.” “I will go to church 2. Pray for the strength to endure the pain and
more” or “I’ll live my life for you.” Then when stress of the process to healing.
God delivers us we give testimony after testimo-
ny about how God delivered us out of any given 3. Pray for faith to hold on for the blessing that
situation. We are thankful and we move on to the is to come in your wholeness and to not give
next crisis, trial or test with the same mentality. up in the difficult times.
God wants more for us, He wants to heal us and 4. Pray against the spirit of fear, distraction,
make us whole and healthy again. As believers self-sabotage and giving up.
we should want everything that God has for us
but the truth is if we have to hurt to have it or it 5. Pray thanks to God for walking in the
is not instantaneous we would rather forgo our abundance of total healing and the
promise from God. Deliverance, in most cases opportunity to share your healing with others
can be an instant thing. that they may be made whole too.
However, healing is a process. It takes time, Ultimately as believers we must embrace the fact
effort and commitment on our part. It also takes a that Jesus came that we may have life and have it
strong belief in our ability to withstand the more abundantly. That comes with being healed
process as well as faith that God knows what’s from those deep hurts from our past that causes
best for us and that He has greater for us on the us to commit the same sins and make the same
other side of the healing process. bad choices. Things that we not only hide from
others, but ourselves too! When we allow God to
I want to share with you 5 steps to take in expose those hurts that are hidden in the darkest
beginning the healing process and how we can recesses of our soul we can move into our place
live in the healthy place God has for us. of abundance and total VICTORY! It’s hard but
it’s worth it. It’s time for an ugly cry and a
beautiful healing. It’s time to be DELIVERED
4 ~ Kingdom Magazine