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P. 11

Danny & Gala Tallent

                                            Written by Erica McGraw

      Mr. and Mrs. Tallent work as a team to help those who are less fortunate.  Mrs. Tallent has a network of churches,
      businesses and people who assist her in meeting the needs of those living on the streets and in the homeless camps
      in Saline, Pulaski, and Garland county.  She has become a friend to those living in the camps and collects items
      they need in order to help their situation a little bit more, she puts her requests out based on the needs of her “Camp
      Friends” and her partners work to get these supplies to her.  Food is a big part of it, but that isn’t always the main
      need, during the summer months, things such as bug spray and repellant are important.  She also put out requests
      for tents to protect her friends from the elements and give them covering.

                                  Mrs. Gala’s heart is big and she is very humbled.  She doesn’t see herself as a hero,
                                  but says, “I’m just doing what God called me to do.”  She doesn’t only give them tan-
                                  gible things needed, but she speaks into to the lives of those she comes in connect
                                  with by speaking the Word of God and sharing the Gospel.  Here are some quotes
                                  from Mrs. Gala from her Facebook posts to show the impact she is making in the lives
                                  of those she is embracing.

              "Street Ministry" *** When a known gang member said, "I love you Mrs. Gala"
              and  my  granddaughter  heard  his  words  I  felt  so  blessed,  my  heart  melted.  His
              words made me cry but also encouraged me. I recognize this as a "GOD" mo-
              ment! "ONLY GOD" can change a man's heart. Please pray that one day soon he
              will place his faith in Jesus. #lovingGod#lovingothers #peopleneedJesus

                                    "Street Ministry" A mom with a 3 month old little boy was asking God to
                                    send  her  help.  One  of  my  homeless  friends  asked  me  to  contact  her.  The
                                    mom said I contacted her immediately after she had prayed for help. I love to
                                    watch God work. Please pray for this young lady. She has some major deci-
                                    sions to make in the near future. Because of your donations we were able to
                                    provide  formula  and  diapers.  VimyRidge  Immanuel  BaptistChurch  loaded
                                    my car with toiletries and snacks. Some of these items were exactly what she
                                    needed. #lovingGod#lovingothers #peopleneedJesus

      Mrs. Gala is well known by those she frequently visits and they have her phone number.  Just this week, she has
      received at least 26 calls from those in need.  They may call her because they need something tangible, they call
      her to give her praise reports and even for prayer.  Today, I ask you to add the ministry work of Mrs. Gala and her
      team to your prayer list.  Pray to keep them cover and protected as they go out to where the needs are, pray for con-
      tinued help and support of her network and that her network will grow, and pray that as she is home, that all her
      needs at home will continue to be covered.

                 To Connect with Mrs. Gala, she can be reached on Facebook at “Gala C. Tallent” to arrange
                    for donations to help those in need.  Thank you in advance for any contribution you may
                  give.  You can also contact Kingdom News and we will make sure she receives the donations.

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