Page 10 - Kingdom News Special Author's Edition
P. 10
Author Tonya Horton Anderson
As a young teen growing up I was suppressed by many outsiders.
Being a survivor of abuse caused me to be very shy and introvert-
ed. I came to rely on self because in my mind this is all I had. My
grandmother had taken me to church with her for many years, but
this didn’t mean I was saved. Even though I had been baptized
during this phase did this mean I had taken on God’s spirit? Not
because my ways were rebellious, but because of the peers I was
around. I longed to fit in with the clique. Away from the abuse at home I expected my friends to
be a comfort and a guide for me to follow. This was my role a follower I molded to fit what part
they were struggling with. Did I find myself? Not really, but satisfied with being needed. Let’s
dissect the word needed a little more. I craved to be included, heard, seen and revered by my
peers. Imagine my surprise when one of my school teachers had praised a short story I wrote.
She said, “I was talented and should write for Harlequin”. Praise was given, but my fear of not
being able to measure up diminished this dream and Satan sifted me like wheat for many years
because I allowed it.
In the quite of the night I wrote poems to Jesus my candle was growing in the path God allowed
me to resurrect. It was through the words that I found homage and knew I belonged. My belief
was there, but my mirror image of self-let me down too often. Plain and useless with a dream of
being reflected by my words lay heavy on my mind for many years. It wasn’t until 2012 that my
grandmother had passed on and now my safety net, decision maker and love one was gone. A late
bloomer in life at age forty two I made my dream a reality and published my first of many books.
This particular book is a raven for musicians, music lovers and those that love poetry. Songs and
verse are dissected along with three songs that have the notes you can play. If, you order through a free CD will be include for your hearing pleasure of these three
songs. I pray that you the reader will be inspired to give back to God what he has given to me and
other believers. Everyone calling is not the same I think I’m the knee because of past occurrences.
I’m not looking to shine I’m the support in the middle I follow the other joints. Was Joseph the
knee in the bible only God knows, but I think so? He had a dream, but it was suppressed under
jealousy. He overcame his dungeon of abuse along with false accusations to become the second
highest person under the king. He followed the will of God from a young age.
Jesus nurtures a moth to reveal heartaches in relationships, death and radiant
jubilee. Shadows under depths of ink electrify the spirit of self. The true value
of me is uplifting you to find your inspiration.
10 Kingdom News Magazine