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have  struggled  with  and  still  may  be                Although  she  has  endured  a  hard  life
       struggling  with  to  get  their  babies  back            and  has  seen  many  struggles,  she
       and keep their faith in God. I pray that it               realizes that she is strong and most of
       gives  you  the  strength  and  courage  you              all  a  survivor.  She  is  a  mother  and  a
       need  to  step  up  and  step  out  into  your            grandmother.  She  loves  her  family
                                                                 very  much  and  enjoys  spending  time
       destiny  and  whatever  it  takes  to
       withstand  against  all  obstacles  and  gain             with them.  Her motto is I live, I laugh
       your inner peace. I hope this book gives                  and  I  love  daily!    The  purpose  of
       you complete freedom.                                     writing this book is in hopes to inspire
                                                                 and  encourage  others  to  keep  their
       Author  Toni  Jones  Tucker  now  lives  in               faith  no  matter  how  great  and  how
       Lancaster, Texas and has finally came to                  long  their  storm  is.    She  shares  that
       an  inner  healing  so  that  she  can  reach             her  stormed  spanned  a  total  of  32
       back  and  help  others  that  may  be  in  a             years,  but  as  stated  before,  she  is  a
       similar  situation.    She  shares  that                  survivor.    She  is  now  married  to  her
       through  perseverance  and  determination                 best  friend  and  soulmate  Bruce
       and  faith  in  God  that  all  things  are               Tucker.
       possible.    Even  though  she  did  get  to  a                    Available for Sale at:
       low place and desired to give up though
       a  suicide  attempt,  she  knew  her  faith                      
       was greater than giving up and knew that                   
       restoration was available.                             
                                                                              ISBN 978-1-946250-85-8

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