Page 18 - Kingdom News Special Author's Edition
P. 18
Angela M. Gracey, PHR
Minister Angela M. Gracey Business on a Shoestring
is the Founder and Director Budget”. She is also the
of Angelic Grace Ministries Founder and CEO of The
International, along her hus- Gracey Group LLC – an
band Anthony E. Gracey, Co HR consulting, leadership
-Founder and Chairman of training and coaching
the Board. firm. Angela is the for-
mer host of “The Way
Angela M. Gracey, PHR, or- Makers LIVE!” an
dained Minister of the Gos- online internet radio out-
pel, has been walking with reach ministry to declare
the Lord since 1986, and has served in ministry lead- the message of reconcilia-
ership since 1989 in Christian Education, Small tion and to sound the
Group Ministry, and Leadership Development. She alarm, “The Bridegroom
has also served more than 15 years in full-time min- is coming!”
istry as Human Resource Officer and Assistant
Church Administrator. She launched her first com- Serving more than 30 years in Christian ministry,
pany, Rhema Writing Concepts in 1998, through Angela is an anointed writer, speaker and teacher
which she successfully trained and consulted count- who spent 6 years in public ministry presiding over
less emerging entrepreneurs. a residential congregation in Silver Spring, MD, and
is a passionate leader in Celebrate Recovery, a min-
A former member of the Adjunct Faculty of Logos istry of inner healing and reconciliation. The Holy
Christian College’s Bible Institute Program and Spirit uses her in prophetic ministry, intercession
Immanuel’s College of the Bible, she taught Evange- and healing. Angela has an apostolic calling as a
lism 101 and Discipleship courses. She was also a minister of reconciliation and inner healing. Her
former staff writer of the “Inner Healing” col- passion is to equip, edify, encourage and comfort
umn for the The Vine Newspaper, and “The Sav- leaders in ministry and the marketplace, as Ambas-
vy Entrepreneur” column for WomanScope News sadors of Jesus Christ, in this end-time hour. She
Magazine. comes to root up and tear down to establish the
Church of Jesus Christ.
Through The International Business Training Asso-
ciation, Angela is a Certified Business Professional, Min. Gracey ministers on titles such as “The Way-
instructor, and Authorized Training Partner who has makers: Preparing the Way of Lord in the End-time
conducted numerous professional certification train- Hour,” “Forgiveness: The Pathway to Peace,”
ing courses, both here and abroad, in Non-Profit and “Transition: The Cost of Discipleship,” “The
Board Development, Small Business Development, Anointing of Order,” “Endurance”, “Time, Talent
Project Management, Leadership, Business Plan and and Treasure”, “What's in Your Belly”, and
Proposal Writing, and Business Writing and Com- "Carriers of the Glory of God".
For private book signings or speaking engagements,
She now authors The Way Makers blog, a source of
edification, encouragement and comfort for the email your request to
Body of Christ. She also serves as literary coach for
the “Write on Purpose” Literary Coaching Pro-
gram, a program she developed and designed to
equip, edify and empower Christian authors to take
their message to the world!
She is the author of the newly released book, “The
Way Makers – Ambassadors for Christ, Preparing
the Way of the Lord” and her first book, “Starting a
18 Kingdom News Magazine