Page 4 - Kingdom News Edition 8.pdf
P. 4

T                                                            Many of us have been living in our own personal
                 he darkness consumed me. It spread over
                 the  McComb,  Mississippi  neighborhood
                 and  tucked  it  in  like  a  child  ready  for
                 sleep. The houses, the trees, and the road
       devoid of street lights disappeared. Even the moon,          caves. Adversity and afflictions have come upon us.
                                                                    Maybe we are battling a health issue, struggling in
       stars and clouds were missing in action. The silence         our  finances  or  dealing  with  grief.  Maybe  fear,
       was unsettling instead of peaceful. As I kept walk-          anxiety or depression have developed a stronghold.
       ing, I didn’t know where I was going. I lacked di-           Perhaps  the  spirit  of  intimidation  is  operating  in
       rection, soundness and any hope of making it back            those close to you to silence your voice. Our spir-
       to my grandmother’s house. It made me feel like I            itual house is rocking and rolling in the storm, but
       was navigating a cave that had no depth.                     it  may  have  caused  some  of  us  to  abandon  our
       Periodically, I would hear snippets of laughter and
       conversations. I turned my head toward the direc-            We often think of abandonment when people who
       tion of the noise, but I could not see any man clear-        were not of us went out from us as in 1 John 2:19.
       ly.    My  breathing  came  out  in  hyperventilated         We are not always the abandoned; sometimes we
       huffs. My uncle’s voice pierced the night air.               can be the abandoners. When we see what is going
                                                                    on  in  the  world,  do  we  complain,  ignore  or  walk
       He said, “Angie, don’t be scared. I’m right beside           away?  Do  we  intercede  in  prayer  or  show  God’s
       you. Just follow the sound of my voice.”                     love? Have we pursued our God-given purpose?

       His  large  hand  wrapped  around  mine.  My  heart          Caves can be a refuge, a hiding place or a burial
       leaped  with  joy  when  I  saw  my  grandmother’s           ground.  Elijah  ran  to  a  cave  when  Jezebel  pro-
       porch light. It pierced the darkness and marked its          nounced  a  death  sentence  over  his  life.  He  heard
       territory. When I saw the light, peace filled me.            God’s still voice guiding him through the darkness.
                                                                    David  made  the  cave  of  Adullam  his  stronghold.
       Everything was finally all right in the world.               God  made  it  a  place  of  preparation  as  the  dis-
                                                                    tressed  and  discontented  came  to  him  for  leader-
       Darkness has consumed the earth again like a little          ship. Lazarus and Jesus were buried in caves only
       leaven permeating a whole lump of dough.  A reg-             to display God’s light through the power of resur-
       istered sex offender kidnaps a 7-month-old girl at           rection.
       knifepoint.  Two  pastors  in  Toledo,  Ohio  and  a
       teacher from Georgia are arrested for sex traffick-          The world is a cave that may look like the darkness
       ing minors.                                                  of  death,  but  it  is  being  prepared  to  hear  God’s
                                                                    voice through you to lead them toward the light of
       Parkland High School students still battle with the          Jesus. Only He can make it all right in our world.
       effects of school shootings. Kate Spade and Antho-           It is time for you to rise and be about the Father’s
       ny Bourdain have committed suicide. The spirits of           business.
       perversion and carnality run rampant throughout
       the media and the world.

       The world has been placed inside a cave, and there
       is a large stone being rolled in front of it. It’s bur-
       ied in darkness. The whole earth is crying out for
       the manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8: 19

       Where is the light that is supposed to be set upon
       the hill?

                                  Kingdom News Magazine—June 2018  Volume 8 ~ Page 4
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