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attempts.  In today’s society, doc-                                             what  happened  because  she  felt
       tors are quick to prescribe medica-                                             she  couldn’t  tell  everyone  what
       tion such as Ritalin and others for                                             she was feeling.
       children  with  behavior  issues.
       Sometimes, the best medicine is to                                              She felt the spirit of confusion in
       observe  and  watch  the  children                                              her  life  trying  to  take  over,  but
       while they are having their behav-                                              Je’Nora  would  pray  to  God  and
       ioral episodes.                                                                 ask  for  direction.    She  knew  the
                                                  JE’NORA’S TESTIMONY                  things that were happening in  her
       While  I  worked  in  a  child  care                                            life were not of God, but she did-
       center,  we  had  this  young  man      At  the  age  of  5  is  when  Je’Nora   n’t  know  what  to  do.    She  didn’t
       who  was  four  years  old.    He  al-  was  first  molested  by  her  uncle/   even  fault  her  stepfather  for  the
       ways  had  outbursts  and  would  be    cousin.    She  was  often  left  with   things he had done to her because
       sent  to  my  office.    When  he  was   her  grandmother  because  her         she came to realize that what hap-
       brought to me, I would sit and just     mother was very promiscuous and         pened to  her must have happened
       talk  with  him  and  just  listen  to   was chasing after men.  The time       to him for him to do it to her.  It
       him.    At  such  a  young  age,  this   came  for  Je’Nora  to  go  stay  with   was during this time of revelation
       little  man  had  huge  amounts  of     her mother, but she didn’t want to,     that  she  realized  God  had  her  the
       anger  and  aggression,  but  just  by   but  in  order  to  be  obedient,  she   entire time. She realized her value
       listening  to  him  vent,  I  realized   went.  At the age of 14, her mother    in  God  because  she  wasn’t  angry
       that he was just confused by things     married  Je’Nora’s  current  stepfa-    at  her stepfather for the things he
       happening  at  home.    This  is  just   ther, but at this age is when he be-   had  done  to  her;  instead  she  had
       one  story  that  mimics  that  for  so   gan to fondle and touch her in in-    compassion  and  was  able  to  pray
       many other children.                    appropriate ways.  She had a close      for him.
                                               relationship with her female cous-
       Other  health  concerns  outside  of    ins and wanted to protect them, so      Je’Nora  began  to  share  why  the
       mental  and  emotional  ones  are       she  chose  to  be  the  sacrifice  to   relationship  with  a  woman  was
       obesity  and  eating  disorders  as     save others.  As the abuse contin-      able to mask her pain.  She shares
       well  as  substance  abuse.    Food     ued, Je’Nora told her violator that     how  she  had  so  many  questions
       and/or drugs may be used as a cop-      she  was  going  to  tell  other  mem-  and began to say, here I am sacri-
       ing  mechanism  to  help  numb  the     bers  of  the  family,  but  he  threat-  ficing  myself  because  of  the  hurt
       internal pain of abuse.                 ened  to  kill  them  if  she  told.    At   and the pain and then with the fact
                                               the  age  of  17,  Je’Nora’s  cousin    her mother wasn’t around and ac-
       As a way of masking the pain and        passed away and it was at this time     tive in her life, she turned to fall-
       esteem  issues,  many  may  experi-     that  she  finally  felt  she  could    ing in love with a woman’s heart.
       ence an identity crisis and become      breathe  and  that  she  could  finally   Not  so  much  the  flesh  part  of  it,
       sexually promiscuous or even turn       tell her story because he’s not go-     but  the  heart  of  the  woman.    She
       to  alcohol  or  drugs  to  help  cope   ing  to  go  for  her.    After  all,  her   was  seeking  that  motherly  love
       with the pain.  When God created        cousin’s protection was the reason      and the attention of a woman that
       the concept of sex, it was created      why  she  continued  to  be  the  one   she  didn’t  receive  from  her  own
       to  be  a  beautiful  thing  between  a   taking  the  abuse,  but  now  her    mother.
       husband and a wife to populate the      cousin was gone and it was finally
       earth and be pleasurable; however,      time to speak up.
       the enemy has perverted it and has
       used  it  as  a  weapon  to  hurt  so   She  spoke  up,  but  she  was  ques-
       many  and  break  the  spirits  of  so   tioned as to why she didn’t speak
       many.                                   up sooner.  The family thought she
                                               was  lying.    She  was  forced  to  do
       I want to share with you the testi-     lie detector tests, and she went into
       mony  of  a  young  lady  named         Child  Protective  Services  where
       Je’Nora, whom I met in Houston.         her grandmother received rights to
       We connected on social media and        care  for  her.    She  got  to  a  point
       after  one  of  the  editions  of  King-  where  she  started  dating  women,
       dom News came out she and I had         and she said she would never deal
       a conversation. She began to share      with a man never again.  This was
       her testimony and I was amazed.         her  way  of  masking  the  pain  of

                                  Kingdom News Magazine—June 2018  Volume 8 ~ Page 7
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