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rested, I spent a full week locked up in the adult
As the sky grew darker, it was clear that these men woman's jail. Slim was part of a group of pimps
were not going to keep their promise and get me home from Maryland and when I was released from jail,
on time. Instead, I was taken to a motel room where they took me to Atlantic City. For the next 5 months
both men raped me. This was the first time I had ever I would be transported all over the Country by the
had sex and was penetrated. They kept me for a few next pimp I met in Atlantic City. The longer I was
days and immediately started grooming me for a new away from home, I began to really miss my parents
and knew they must have been going nuts not know-
ing where I was. I wanted to call but didn't know
what to say and I didn’t want to get in trouble with
my pimps.
The effects of this lifestyle got to me quickly. I
knew I wasn’t made for this. I was with a Pimp
named Rico and he started treating me bad and was
hitting me a lot. I had a rich John that would give
me money to keep me off the streets. Finally, one
day I got up the nerve to call home. My mom an-
swered and burst into tears yelling on the phone, is
life. Something strange happened, I was made to this really you! The John got me a plane ticket to go
choose between the two men. I didn’t know why, but home.
I chose Slim and his girl Candy. I didn’t really know
any of them, but I choose them because in my mind My life was in shambles. I felt that Slim and his
they were the better-looking ones. buddy destroyed my life. Being home was difficult
and shortly after returning home, I left home again.
I began to realize that going home was not an option This new lifestyle hindered my life for about a year
now. I feared my father so much, that I was the per- in total. This time when I left, I went to Detroit. I
fect victim for this crew of human traffickers. That’s got pregnant by a pimp in Detroit at age 16 and gave
right, I was trafficked into prostitution. Candy had the birth 3 months before I turned 17.
task of teaching me the rules of the game and I was a
quick study. They were professionals, I was given a There is so much more to my testimony. Currently, I
new identity complete with a fake birth certificate and am a 51-year-old grandmother and I know it’s only
social security card. I was transformed from a plain by God's grace that I'm still here. I've been working
Jane into a good-looking street walker with all the on a book with all the details of my childhood, the
tools I needed to make lots of money for Slim. street life and all the events that led to many years of
drug and alcohol abuse. It is ONLY by the Blood of
I won't lie at first it was exciting – the city, the lights, Christ can we be set free when the enemy held us
no curfew, my new-found beauty, the attention from captive.
men. Even though Slim was my pimp, I felt like I had
freedom. It was all an adventure until I experienced
an encounter with someone who ended up being crazy
and tried to hurt me. Reality had set in and I began to
see the danger that I was actually in, but it still was It’s ironic how I was
not the end. disgusted the older
Candy was becoming jealous and started creating guy touching me and
trouble for me with Slim. He was very strict, but as I two weeks later I
got smarter and more advanced I knew I didn't want to
be with them. was selling my body.
I’m thankful that the
While in Camden, I was
arrested for prostitution. Lord saved me and
This was the first real test redeemed me.
I had to pass to see if I
was strong enough for this
lifestyle. When I was ar-
Kingdom News Magazine—June 2018 Volume 8 ~ Page 11
is a $150 billion industry worldwide. ... In 2016, an estimated 1 out