Page 13 - Kingdom News Edition 8.pdf
P. 13

Broken but Still Anointed…

       The Bible speaks of a woman in Luke 7:36 who is de-         I  realized  that  this  God  was  with  me  all  the  time;
       scribed as a sinful woman. Some theologians argue the       through  the  failed  marriages,  through  the  homeless-
       fact that she is a prostitute, nevertheless she is no differ-  ness, betrayal, abortion, heart aches, and through the
       ent than you and I.  Sin is sin. The Bible declares in 1    molestation. He was there through it all.
       John 5:17 that all unrighteousness is sin.
                                                                   It was this omniscient God that had a plan for me. He
       One of the problems that  I see in our religious  culture   said in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the thoughts that
       today is that we want to differentiate sin. We think that   I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace,
       our small white sin is different than the deep dark black   and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”
       sin of someone else. But this certainly is not true. We all
       have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.           His plan was to anoint me even in my brokenness. I
                                                                   learned  pretty  quickly  that  salvation  is  free,  but  the
       As  I  studied  this  nameless  woman  in  Luke,  I  realized   anointing of God has a cost. It has cost me my life. It
       that  she  and  I  had  so  many  similarities.  Both  females,   cost daily dying of myself.  Going through the fire and
       both sinners and both needed God to redeem us from a        fury to be called one of His. As I go through trials and
       decaying lifestyle. When I was in the world, I didn’t sell   tribulations, I often take a look at Christ’s life and re-
       my  body,  one  would  say  that  I  just  gave  it  away.  No   alize that if I want to be in His image, I have to allow
       money was ever exchanged, only expectation. I expected      Him to pull what He has placed in me out for some-
       to  be loved but  instead,  I received rejection. Why, be-  one else. So I will go through the crushing process to
       cause God never intended love to be that way.               reach the countless women/men that are voiceless and
                                                                   hopeless. To tell them that there is a better way, and
       The  one  thing  I  can  remember  my  mother  telling  me   His name is Jesus.
       was, “Don’t ever shack with a man, they won’t buy the
       milk if you give it to them for free!” I really never un-
       derstood that term until adulthood, but oh how I under-
       stand it now. Conversely, what this did was push me into
       failed  marriages.  I  didn’t  know  how  to  have  a healthy
       dating life. I felt that I needed to be married, because I
       remembered  exactly  what  my  mother  said;  I  couldn’t
       give my milk away for free.

       I wish I would have been told that my milk was precious
       and that it should be preserved and protected for the one
       man that deserves to partake in such a treasurable piece
       of  me.  I  never  discerned  this…  hence  my  brokenness

       I use to think that I was the only person in the world bro-
       ken. I would try to hide my brokenness behind my cloth-
       ing and my hair do’s. I would also try to hide it behind
       my religious routine, expensive car, bank account, pres-
       tigious  career  and  my  well  behaved  children.  I  didn’t
       want anyone to know that I was as broken as a crystal
       flute  that  had  fallen  from  the  top  shelf  of  the  kitchen   PYRAMID BOOKSTORE
       cabinet.  Shattered  into  hundreds  of  tiny  insignificant
       pieces. I walked around defeated.                            1001 Wright Ave, Little Rock, AR

       Just  as  the  nameless  woman  in  the  Bible,  I  went  out
       searching for God. The real God, not a religious god; but
       the authentic, sovereign, auspicious God who loved me
       and gave His life for me.
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