Page 17 - Kingdom News Edition 8.pdf
P. 17
of chemicals; however, that is not to cows for the purpose of in- ages of 50 and 64 have an average
the only way these pesticides are creasing the amount of milk they of 19 prescriptions per person.
used. Another more common produce. Antibiotics are used in
way is to apply it directly to the daily dosages to keep livestock I believe there is a direct correla-
seeds, soil and crops before and from getting sick and to make tion of the additives in our food
after the growing period. What them gain weight. Some of these supply and these statistics regard-
does that mean? It means that the hormones and antibiotics being ing prescription drugs. This arti-
chemicals are introduced to the used in our meats cause cancer cle started out by speaking of the
crop through all its stages of and have been credited for early types of foods we should eat ac-
growth, making the end product puberty in children as well as a cording to the Bible. There have
harmful to the consumer. contributor to other health con- been studies that has shown dif-
cerns. Reports state these claims ferent sicknesses cured and
In order to cre- have not been proven; however, healed. Often times, medications
ate a healthier Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia, aren’t used to heal, but to actually
and more nutri- New Zealand have all banned suppress the symptoms. This
tional value to growth hormones in their coun- means that you have to remain on
the food sup- tries. these drugs in order to continue
ply, the USDA suppressing the illness, which
certifies foods Again, a solution is organically keeps one in a cycle of bondage.
as organic. Anything with the raised livestock. In order for live- We can’t allow others to get rich
Certified Organic seal must meet stock to be certified organic, from our demise, but we need to
the USDA guidelines that states farmers must feed livestock a become wise and act accordingly.
the ingredients within the product vegetarian diet, may not treat God is our source and the ulti-
should be 95% or more certified, them with any antibiotics or hor- mate healer, but we also have to
which means it is free from syn- mones, may not treat the meat do our part.
thetic additives such as pesticides, with radiation and must be able to
chemical fertilizers and dyes. Al- raise the livestock outside where I urge you to read product labels
so, they must not be processed they are able to receive exercise. to see what is actually in your
using industrial solvents, radia- Organic farms are inspected to foods, try to purchase organic
tion or genetic engineering. The ensure they are compliant. foods as often as you possibly can
remaining 5% may only be foods or from a local farmer that you
or processed with additives on an As mentioned earlier, organic know isn’t using unhealthy pesti-
approved list of ingredients. food has a higher price. While
Foods that are certified as organic speaking with an individual about
come with a higher price tag, but this topic, they said, “pay now or
it is believed that they have a pay later.” What they were say-
higher nutritional value as well ing is you either pay the higher
because they are more conven- prices now for the higher quality
tionally grown like the way your foods or you pay doctors’ bills
grandparents may have done way later for the chemicals you have
back when. placed within your body. The
pharmaceutical companies are
We have mostly spoken about our getting rich by these chemicals
crops, but there is also a myriad being put in and, on our foods,
of chemicals and hormones being because our bodies were not de-
used in the meat and dairy indus- signed for those chemicals to be cides. I believe many of us have
tries. Growth hormones are given in our bodies. been blinded by these statistics
and haven’t linked this all togeth-
Approximately 70% of all Ameri- er, but this is a serious matter.
cans are on at least one prescrip- Our temples have to remain
tion drug and more than 50% take strong because it not only houses
more than one. It is estimated our makeup, but it also houses the
that 4.3 billion prescriptions are presence of God Himself, His
being filled annually. As our precious Holy Spirit. Let’s make
population is getting older, it is Him a good, healthy and strong
estimated that people between the home to reside in.
Kingdom News Magazine—June 2018 Volume 8 ~ Page 17