Page 16 - Kingdom News Edition 8.pdf
P. 16

ur  lives  are  important,    basically  fruits  and  vegetables;     drogen. This process helps to in-
                 so that means our health      they  usually  grow  on  a  vine  or    crease  shelf  life  and  save  costs;
                 is important.  God creat-     shrub.    In  Leviticus,  it  states  that   however, these items are not good
       O us in His image, and                  we  are  allowed  to  eat  “clean       for  our  temple.    Grains  that  are
       then  He  sent  His  Holy  Spirit  to   mean”  which  is  defined  as  the      over refined often have nutritional
       live  inside  of  us,  so  now  we  be-  meat of animals with hoof cloven       values  stripped  from  them  and
       come a temple for His Spirit.  That     in two and chews cud.  This defi-       they  end  up  doing  more  harm
       is why we need to work better on        nition includes cattle, sheep, goat,    then good.
       taking  care  of  ourselves  and  be    buffalo,  deer,  gazelle  and  others
       mindful of what we are putting in       that  are  similar.    The  opposite  of   It  is  recommended that when we
       our temples.                            clean would be categorized as un-       grocery shop that we shop the pe-
                                               clean and include such meats that       rimeter  of  the  store  and  avoid
       In this article we are going to dis-    comes from the pig, camel, etc.         many  of  the  items  in  the  aisles.
       cuss  various  foods  and  the  pro-                                            This  is  a  good  concept  because
       cesses used to bring these foods to     Foods  have  natural  healing  ele-     usually on the perimeter is where
       us.    In  the  Bible  there  are  many   ments in them, but statistics show    the  fruits,  vegetables,  meats,  and
       references  made  to  the  healing      that as many as 80% of Americans        dairy  are  usually  located;  now
       properties  in  different  foods  and   don’t   eat   the   recommended         let’s  look  at  come  concerns  that
       herbs.  The Bible tells us the foods    amount  of  fruits  and  vegetables.    we have to address regarding the
       that  are  acceptable  for  us  to  eat.    By  not  eating  the  recommended   foods in these areas.
       We will also speak about how pes-       amounts  of  fruits  and  vegetables,
       ticides are being used in our fruits    many  chronic  diseases  such  as       It  is  estimated  that  farmers  use
       and vegetables and how hormones         heart disease, high blood pressure,     700  million  pounds  of  pesticides
       are being used on our meats.  We        diabetes,  cancer  and  obesity.    So,   each  year  in  crop  production.
       will  also  touch  on  how  the  phar-  if we aren’t eating fruits and vege-    These pesticides are used for pest
       maceutical companies are benefit-       tables, what are we eating?  More       and  weed  control  during  the
       ing due to the various methods of       than  likely  processed  foods  that    growing  process;  others  are  used
       food preparation.                       are  often  high  in  unhealthy  fats   to  lengthen  the  shelf  life  of  a
                                               contain  refined  grains  and  hydro-   product by preventing the growth
       In  order  to  properly  care  for  our   genated oils.  Hydrogenation is the   of  mold.    Often  times  when  we
       temples,  we  are  instructed  to  eat   process of turning liquid unsaturat-   think of pesticides, we imagine a
       from trees that bear seeds, which is    ed fat into solid fat by adding hy-     crop duster spraying a large field
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