Page 19 - Kingdom News Edition 8.pdf
P. 19

S                                        from  all  unrighteousness;  but       hard  to  let  go.    These  things
               omeone  said  to  me  the
                                                at  the  same  time;  we  must
               other day that they had
                                                                                       are only outward signs of what
                                                recognize  that  the  things  that
               a  hard  time  being
               grateful  to  God.    Yet  I
                                                even  know  are  there  cannot
       know her well enough to know             are in our hearts that we don’t        is  going  on  in  our  inner  most
                                                                                       being, which is our heart.  The
       that God has done a lot of real-         be  released  from  us  until  we      heart is the center of our mind,
       ly wonderful things in her life.         have  dealt  with  them.    The        our  will,  our  emotions,  our
       But I also know that her child-          Bible  says  that  whatever  we        spirit,  and  our  flesh.    Jesus
       hood  was  very  hard.    I  knew        sow,  we  will  reap.    This
       her  mother,  and  many  of  her         means  that  the  roots  of  our       came  to  save  and  seek  what
       family members.  It was a very           problems  must  be  pulled  out,       was  lost.    We  are  lost  without
       difficult  situation.    There  is  a    otherwise,  the  rotten  plant         forgiveness,  love,  and  ac-
       lot  of  resentments  and  unfor-        will keep growing, again, and          ceptance.  Purifying our hearts
       giveness  unchecked  in  her             again.  I also realize that eve-       has  to  be  a  daily  process  by
       heart from her childhood.  Her           ryone  is  impaired  for  differ-      allowing  Him  to  come  in  and
       heart  seemed  to  have  become          ent reasons.  It is hard for you       do  what  we  cannot  do  by  our
       “fossilized.”  She goes through          to  imagine  that  things  can  be
       a  lot  of  bouts  of  depression        different.    But,  God  in  His       own power.  Let Him give you
                                                infinite  mercy  will  come            the  kind  of  life  that  He  origi-
                                                down  and  take  your  heart  of       nally  created  you  for  and  your
                                                stone  and  change  it  into  a        “fossilized”  heart  will  come  to
                                                heart of flesh, so He can mold         life  again.    Being  children  of
                                                it and make it into His image          God,  we  have  all  the  power  of
                                                (Ezekiel  36:26).    David  said,
                                                in  Psalm  66:18,  “If  I  regard      the universe to rend our hearts.
                                                iniquity in my heart, the Lord         Read  part  3  in  this  series  and
                                                will not hear me.”                     you  will  find  the  answer  to
                                                                                       tearing  apart  your  heart  to
                                                The word, “iniquity” means a           bring  every  thought  captive  in
                                                grievous  violation  of  right  or     your  mind,  since  the  heart  is
                                                justice; wickedness; a wrong-          the  center  of  your  mind,  will,
                                                ful  act;  unjust  thing  or  deed:    and emotions.

       now;  and  her  children  are  re-       sin.”    Psalm  139:23,  David
       belling.    It  has  a  rippling  ef-    says, “Search me, O God, and
       fect.    The  reason  we  do  what       know  my  heart:  try  me,  and
       we  do,  the  reason  we  are  who       know  my  thoughts:”  Ask  the
       we  are;  goes  back  to  things         Lord  what  it  is  that  causes
       that  happened  to  us  after  we        you  to  not  have  the  victory.
       were  conceived,  or  when  we           Ask him why you continue to
       were  growing up.   I  know that
       the  Blood  of  Jesus  cleanses  us      sin  after  you  have  tried  so

                                  Kingdom News Magazine—June 2018  Volume 8 ~ Page 19
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