Page 23 - Kingdom News Edition 8.pdf
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It is with great excitement that we announce that our website is available for you!
We are ready to share with you and utilize the site for your growth, development,
insight, and assistance.
Here is just glimpse of what you can find on the website:
• Magazine Editions—All issues of the magazine will be displayed on the site for your
viewing pleasure.
• Kingdom Builders Network—Network of churches sharing what God has for the King-
dom through their God given assignment.
• Kingdom News Business Network—Network of business owners who utilize their God
given gifts and talents for the market place. There are advertising opportunities as well as
opportunities to sell your products.
• Blog—We will utilize the blog between our quarterly editions to conduct polls, to ex-
pound a topic or article, to generate discussion, or to solicit insight from our audience.
• Kingdom Talk—A forum based format for readers to post questions and others have the
ability to respond.
• Book Club—We select various books to help in our spiritual growth and will gather one a
conference line once a week to discuss that week’s chapter.
Also you can subscribe and have a hard copy mailed to you,
only $24 for 4 Editions. More information is on the website.
Do you have a desire to write?
Do you have something you would like to share?
Interested in writing an article? Seasoned or unseasoned writers
welcome, we are here to help you!
KingdomNews16@gmail or Call at 612-275-2527
Kingdom News Magazine—June 2018 Volume 8 ~ Page 23