Page 18 - Kingdom News Edition 8.pdf
P. 18

W                                                          to clear her mind and destress. Now that her business-
                     e find ourselves busier than ever before.
                     We have color coded pie charts and cal-
                                                                   es  are  successful  she  takes  frequent  vacations  with
                     endars  to  keep  up  with  everyone’s
                                                                   family and friends.
                     schedules because we are juggling fami-
        lies, careers, ministry, side hustles, social events and     I have had individuals tell me they feel  guilty about
        more.    The  mere  mention  of  self-care  raises  an  eye   saying no or even taking time for themselves. Why?
        brow because we have no idea how to fit into our al-       Because it has been engrained that family and others
        ready hectic lives. It is important to remember if we      come first. Biblical teaching instructs us to deny our-
        do not make self-care a priority we will not be around     selves, be givers of ourselves and servants to others.
        for our loved ones and those we serve.                     By  all  intense  and  purposes  this  is  good  teaching.
                                                                   However,  no  one  should  be  made  to  feel  guilty  for
        Raphailia  Michael,  MA  shared  that  self-care  is  the   taking care of their well- being. The Bible also says
        key to living a balanced life and defined it as  any       that we should love our neighbors as ourselves, mean-
        activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of   ing  we  have  to  love  ourselves  first  in  order  to  love
        our mental, emotional, and physical health. Although       others.  The same goes for serving others, we need to
        it’s a simple concept in theory, it’s something we very    take care of self in order to have the strength and en-
        often  overlook.  Good  self-care  is  key  to  improved   durance to help others.
        mood and reduced anxiety. It’s also key to a good re-
        lationship with oneself and others.                        When a warning light comes on in our car we take it
                                                                   to  a mechanic. Clearly,  we are not  cars. We are hu-
        Many  who  have  dedicated  their  lives  to  Kingdom
        work,  graciously  give  of  themselves  to  the  point  of   mans  whose  minds/bodies  require  regular  mainte-
        depletion. They pay a hefty price for the call.  After     nance. Situations will arise that cause life’s scale to be
        caring for the needs of others they find themselves in     unbalanced. This means we must be intentional about
        need of the very thing they give. This is by no means a    achieving  balance.    We  must  tend  to  our  emotional,
        call  to  abandon  responsibility  but  rather  for  reform.    physical and spiritual needs in order to operate at our
        One  needs  to  become  aware  of  the  warning  signals   optimal best for our loved ones. Therefore, IMHO (in
        that indicate your system is operating on overload and     my humble opinion) self –care is not selfish, but it is
        on the verge of crashing. It may be a simple fix like      necessary.
        delegating,  adjusting  appointments,  saying  NO,  not
        right now or taking a vacation to lessen the stress.

        I recall when my  cousin Tammy  was working a full
        time job and growing her businesses. She would put in
        long  hours.  There  were  times  I  would  call  and  she
        would say, “Girl I just got back from a mini vacation
        and it was good.” The fact that we had our ritual 6 am
        phone call that morning I knew she had not gone on an
        actual  vacation.  Whenever  she  started  to  feel  over-
        whelmed  she  would  take  a  mini  break  right  at  her
        desk. She would drift off to her favorite get – a -ways.
        Those precious moments gave her to the opportunity
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