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where.    We  need  magazines  that
       As  with  the  revelation  about  the   speak about it very candid and viv-             FINAL WORDS
       generational  curses  and  strong-      idly. We see it on television with
       holds  in  her  stepfather’s  life,     more  and  more  levels  being  dis-    Cycles need to be broken and lives
       Je’Nora  also  began  to  see  those    played.  In the times of I Love Lu-     need  to  be  healed.    We  can  no
       same  things  in  her  mother’s  life.    cy, Ricky and Lucy were married       longer  allow  the  enemy  to  have
       She  began  to  ask  God  questions     and were shown to  sleep in  sepa-      power.  We  need  to  let  him  know
       about  how  her  mother’s  upbring-     rate  beds,  but  now  we  can  see     that  he  is  the  one  powerless,  not
       ing was and the possibility that her    same-sex partners sharing a bed on      us.  Rise up and know that you are
       grandmother,  whom  she  truly          television.    The  images  displayed   loved and that God desires for you
       loved was  not  able to  provide for    on television are more graphic.  I      to  be  whole.    He  desires  you  to
       her  mother  in  those  formative       have not even touched on how so-        walk in your rightful place within
       years of her life.  Je’Nora began to    cial media and the internet play its    Him.    Yes,  these  bad  things  may
       see the spiritual  side of the abuse    part.    Due  to  the  fact  it  is  every-  have happened to you, but don’t be
       she endured.                            where  now  and  so  blatant,  the      angry, grow and rise up so you can
                                               healing process for many may take       help  others  by  sharing  what  it  is
       As  we  see  in  her  testimony,  she   longer, but with the desire and the     you endured.
       loves the Lord and has a relation-      help from God, it can be done.
       ship with Him.  Even during those                                               Sexual  abuse  is  an  epidemic  hap-
       dark times in her life, she knew to     As I close, I want to remind every-     pening here in this earth realm be-
       call on Him.  Well today, Je’Nora       one  that  there  is  power  in  our    cause  so  many  are  hurting.    You
       is  a  transformed  lady  moving  in    words.  My great aunt on my sis-        don’t have to remain a victim. You
       the things of God.  He also deliv-      ter’s  side  of  the  family  received   can  overcome  and  walk  in  Victo-
       ered  her  from  the  identity  crisis   custodial care of her grandchildren    ry!    It  is  the  enemy’s  desire  to
       she  was  in  by  having  same-sex      after abuse was determined in their     keep you in a dark place, but Jesus
       relationships and today she is hap-     homes.  Instead of the children re-     came  so  that  you  may  have  life
       pily  married,  doing  ministry  with   ceiving the love and affection they     and  have  it  more  abundantly,  so
       her husband and has two beautiful       needed,  their  grandmother  often      allow Him to open your eyes and
       young boys.  Je’Nora is very pro-       threatened  them  by  saying  things    shine  the  light  so  you  can  fully
       tective  of  her  sons,  and  it  was   like,  “You’re  going  to  end  up  a   walk in the abundant life He came
       through  her  experience  and  her      perpetrator  just  like  your  father.”    to  give  YOU!    He  loves  you  un-
       sacrifice that those curses of sexu-    Wow, how is anyone going to rise        conditionally  and  is  always  there
       al abuse that plagued her life will     up with the foot of the one who is      for you.
       not harm this next generation.          supposed to  help  you stepping on
                                               your neck?  She would say things
                                               like  this  to  the  boys  daily  and
                                               when I was around (I wasn’t saved
                                               at the time), it would literally hurt
                                               me  when  I  heard  her  say  these
                                               things to them.  The sad part of the      Please learn more about this topic by
                                               story is one of the young man has         visiting  their  website.    The  infor-
                                               been in and out of the legal system       mation  and  statistics  they  share  is
                                               because  of  those  negative  words       Please help to support their cause.
                  SUMMARY                      spoken.    He  received  a  chance  to
                                               receive better only to be placed in       Darkness to Light envisions  a  world
       There  were  so  many  great  points    the  care  of  someone  who  maybe        free  of  child  sexual  abuse,  where
       brought  out  in  the  testimony  of    didn’t  physically  abuse  them,  but     adults  are  empowered  to  protect  a
       Je’Nora.    One  that  really  stands   they  were  now  being  mentally          child’s  right  to  a  healthy  childhood.
       out is the mindset of the perpetra-     abused.                                   Since  our  start,  nearly  1.4  million
       tor  and  the  things  they  may  have                                            adults  have  been  trained  to  prevent,
                                                                                         recognize,  and  react  responsibly  to
       endured  as  a  child  and  they  are                                             child sexual abuse.
       repeating  the  cycle.    The  cycles
       have  to  stop  and  all  who  are  in-                                           Your  gift  provides  vital  funds  that
       volved need to come to a place of                                                 support  the  Darkness  to  Light  mis-
       healing.                                                                          sion,  and  82  cents  of  every  dollar
                                                                                         goes directly to support our programs
       In  today’s  society,  sex  is  every-                                            to end child sexual abuse.

                                  Kingdom News Magazine—June 2018  Volume 8 ~ Page 8
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