Page 10 - Kingdom News Edition 8.pdf
P. 10
O As I stood on the side of the road, I stuck out my thumb
ne warm September night in 1981 would be
in hopes to get a ride home. It was important that I
the night my life changed forever. I ran from
made curfew, not only because of my parents, but be-
the house barefoot after a fist fight with my
sister. My father laughing was the last thing
the system and had spent time locked up in detention
I heard as I left. I was cause I was a troubled teen who had been in and out of
upset and headed to centers because of my behavior. Needless to say, I was
town to meet a friend. I in a bad situation.
accepted a ride from an
older guy, someone I Hearing a whistle, I turned to see two black guys all
knew. He was responsi- dressed up, waving me over. I went over to them and
ble for killing my asked for a ride home. They promised they would get
friend’s little brother in me home on time but also offered me some pot. They
a drunk driving accident told me I could roll a joint and said I could smoke as
and actually spent time much as I wanted.
in prison for that crime.
I rode with him to drop off his friend about 30 minutes Both of the guys had nice Cadillac cars and a little later
away. When we were alone, he started touching my leg two pretty white girls came out of the apartment
and making an advance toward me. To get him to stop, dressed up in heels and had lots of makeup on. I was in
I spit on him and got out of the car. I was only 15 years awe and quickly thought, “wow, these people have
old and he was at least 7 years older then me and I money.”
wasn’t interested in him. I had a few boyfriends be-
fore but had never been sexually active and I had no
interested in him like that.
I didn’t know where I was, I
had no sense of direction, but
I knew I needed to get back
home before my 9:30 curfew.