Page 5 - BUSINESS MATHEMATICS MODULE 1 (WHOLE)_revised 10.20.2020
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About this document Course Guide
Before you start with this module, please read the following carefully. Note the icons
and shades throughout this module. They serve as signposts.
WALKTHROUGH: Lesson proper that requires reading the materials. Other
sources are accessible online for you to read before answering the activities
that follows.
ACTIVITY: Short tests or activities which you can complete in your own time
and at your own pace, to check or extend your understanding of particular topics.
We recommend that you complete these when suggested, and if you find them
difficult or still don’t understand particular concepts afterwards, re-read the
preceding section and try again.
STUDENT FEEDBACK: You are required to do self-reflections and feedbacks
after every lesson undertaken to record your personal progress and for lessons
future development.
DEADLINES: NOTE the deadlines are within the modules. All submissions
are online via the email provided. You have the option to submit physically or
by mail but make sure this is done according to current procedures of conduct.
Please make sure to submit the accomplished before you move to the next
module. You can only secure the subsequent of module, if the previous one shall
have been submitted.
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