Page 7 - BUSINESS MATHEMATICS MODULE 1 (WHOLE)_revised 10.20.2020
P. 7

Course Guide

                 Module 1: MATH BASIC

                          A good understanding of mathematics is an essential component of education. The
                   skill to perform basic mathematical computations is a requisite of many entry-level jobs.
                          Math Basic simply deals with the basic concept related to mathematics- generally,
                   counting,  addition,  subtraction,  multiplication,  and  division  which  are  called  the basic
                   math operation.  The  other mathematical concepts  are  build-upon  these  4  fundamental

                 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

                   By the end of this module, the students are expected to:
                      1.  Perform  basic  skills  in  business  mathematics  such  as  and  not  limited  to:  Write
                          numbers into words and round off numbers. Reduce a fraction to simplest terms and
                          changed percentage to fractions and decimals or change fractions and decimals to

                      2.  Find the percentage, rate, or base and solve percentage problems.


                          It will take two weeks or equivalent to 6hrs to complete this module.

                   LESSON                    TOPICS                      Estimated/Suggested Time Allotment   WEEK #
                     #                                                         per Topic/Lesson

                     1     NUMBER RECOGNITION
                           A.  Reading and Writing Numbers                       30 min    1 hrs.
                           B.  Round-off Numbers                                 30 min
                     2     FUNDAMENTAL OPERATIONS
                           A.  Addition                                          15 min
                           B.  Subtraction                                       15 min    1 hrs.   wk 1
                           C.  Multiplication                                    15 min
                           D.  Division                                          15 min
                     3     ORDER OF OPERATION
                           A.  1.  MDAS                                          30 min    1 hrs.
                           B.  2.  PEMDAS/GEMDAS                                 30 min
                     4     FRACTIONS
                                  a. Definition                         2 min
                           A.  1.  b. Types of Fractions                3 min    10 min
                                  c. Fundamental Rules                  5 min
                                                                                           2 hrs.
                           B.  2.  Conversion Improper to Mixed vice-versa       30 min
                           C.  3.  Reducing Fractions to Lowest Term             20 min             wk 2
                           D.  4.  Converting Fraction to higher term            20 min
                           E.  5.  Operation with Fractions                      40 min
                     5     COMPARISON OF NUMBERS
                           A.  PERCENTAGES                                       30 min    1 hrs.
                           B.  RATIOS AND PROPORTIONS                            30 min

                 COURSE GUIDE                                                                    v | P a g e
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