Page 17 - GMKC MAR Newsletter (Civic design)
P. 17

With my hands on experience      the horses stables (Al Shaqab).
                                             I was successful in 2002 in      Most of the facilities were
                                             joining company in Dubai as      LEED certified with Gold and

                                             my first overseas employment     Platinum ratings. Subsequent-
                                             and with wider range of works    ly with my Facilities Manage-
                                             for me and chaired Regional      ment background I received

                                             Service / After Sales support    opportunity in Kuwait and
                                             for all Middle East countries.   now working as Facility Man-
                                             The 3.5 years’ responsibility in   agement Director and taking
                                             Dubai was with increased         care for construction &

                                             scope / complete Mechanical,     maintenance, Housekeeping,
                                             Electrical, plumbing related     Landscape, Event supports etc
                                             works and not limited to only    While staying in Kuwait I came

                                             Electrical and with the prestig-  across social groups like Ma-
                                             ious locations likes Dubai Air-  harashtra Mandal and Garje

                                             port, Burj Al Arab, Emirates     Marathi Kuwait Chapter and

                                             Towers, Palaces in Abu Dhabi,    with encouragement from Mr.
                                             Gold and Diamond park and        Raghav Sadekar I felt like par-
                                             many other 5 star hotels full    ticipating in some social works
                                             maintenance in UAE. Our          for all possible support in my

                                             Equipment’s were supplied in     capacity towards development
                                             Qatar which gave me oppor-       of Marathi community in the
                                             tunity to join company in Qa-    region and across. I feel that

                                             tar in October 2005 which was    there are tremendous oppor-
                                             owned by Her Highnesses and      tunities worldwide for Indians
                                             The Emir himself. 12 years       and especially Middle east for
                                             working here made me from a      our Marathi community per-

                                             maintenance professional to      sons.
                                             complete Facility Manage-

                                             ment Manager for taking care

                                             of palace, Science and tech-
                                             nology park, National conven-
                                             tion center, Heritage Libraries,
                                                                                                                  - contd…..
                                             Accommodations and even

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