Page 19 - GMKC MAR Newsletter (Civic design)
P. 19


                                                 सौ. प्रीती कोळकर
                                                 उच्र् माध्यशमक शालय शशक्षक्षका

                                                 अमररकन युनाइटड स्क ू ल, क ु ित

       Computer  Science  is  a  very  dynamically  emerging  field  and  many  high
       school aspirants, who wish to pursue a career in Computer science need to
       be aware of these trends. High School students like those from grade 9-12th

       who plan to start their undergraduate studies soon need to know these job
       trends in 2030 and beyond.

       Currently due to pandemic, sadly many people have been fired or laid off
       from work. Lot of companies are operating on reduced timings and thus re-
       duced salaries. Additionally, automation, Artificial intelligence and robotics
       have impacted in the reduction of humans for mundane jobs. But the posi-
       tive side is, this means there will be bounce-back in job opportunities in the

       near future. Though the jobs like hotel-staff, washers, cashier, bank-teller,
       travel-agent, postman etc, which can easily be replaced by robots, do not
       see a long term future.

       These human-machine interfaces will bring numerous benefits in the form
       of higher productivity, GDP growth, improved corporate performance, and
       new prosperity, but they will also change the skills required of human work-


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