Page 24 - GMKC MAR Newsletter (Civic design)
P. 24
Standards define interfaces and tion costs, and thus satisfy con-
compatibility requirements. sumer demands for low-cost
In today’s networked world services while maintaining good
clearly defined interfaces and quality..
compatibility between individu-
al components and systems is I am working on various engi-
more important than ever.
neering platforms (formerly
Cross-border suppliers in partic-
ular must ensure that in the age Standards Expert) that enables
of Industry 4.0 they are still suit- my Clients in Kuwait for:
able for the operational require-
ments of the company they are • Simplify compliance:
supplying. A person who disre- Access current standards, codes
gards Eng. Standards can be and specifications 24/7, on the
quickly excluded from the mar- desktop or in the field.
• Maintain quality and relia-
Eng. Standards as the global lan- Achieve consistent standards
guage of technology reduce use to meet customer/market
technical trade barriers and fa- requirements.
cilitate the free movement of
goods. Eng. Standards serve as • Ensure user adoption:
door openers and promote ex- training and support from us
ports: European Eng. Standards
(EN) open up access to the Euro- • Improve efficiency:
pean single market, internation- Quickly find, view, navigate,
al Eng. Standards (ISO) open up bookmark and personalize tech-
access to the world market. In nical documents.
Europe, the rule for goods today
dictates: one standard – one • Reduce wasted time:
test – accepted everywhere. Reduce time to market by em-
powering R&D and engineering
to do their primary job and re-
Eng. Standards help to save duce research time searching
costs for up-to-date codes, specs or
Standards enable efficiency im- standards.
provements and cost savings
across all company divisions,
such as R&D (research and de-
velopment), construction, pur-
chasing, manufacturing, and
quality and systems engineer-
ing. Eng. Standards also serve to
rationalize and reduce produc-