Page 54 - GMKC MAR Newsletter (Civic design)
P. 54

Saudi Aramco Training & Development has collaborated with Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare, and expedited the
    following eLearning courses:
           1. COVID-19 Overview
           2. COVID-19 Home Isolation                           WORK PREPAREDNESS : COVID ERA
           3. COVID-19 Work Preparedness
    Please share with your family, friends, and colleagues -

    The purpose of this course is to help control the movement of the virus, increase safety hygiene habits, and im-
    prove the long term outcome for individuals, the Company.  Listed below are useful materials, prepared for your
    education and awareness. Please go through them, and they will help you to exercise safety measures and sensi-
    ble behavior that can eliminate the transmission of this virus within our community.

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