Page 7 - 5 Steps Packets and Instructions
P. 7

Five Steps to Successfully Enroll as a New Student

           Welcome New Students! Applications for admissions to Napa Valley College (NVC) are accepted at any time for any future
           semester. All students must complete the Student Success and Support Program (SSSP) in order to successfully enroll at NVC.  This
           includes orientation, assessment and an abbreviated educational plan. Students who are enrolling for personal development may
           complete only Steps 1 and 5: Apply for Admission and Register and Pay for Classes.  Please know if you choose this option you will
           not earn your registration priority. You will have the lowest priority (Priority G) when registering each term.
           The following steps are required for all prospective students, who wish to earn priority registration status. This is particularly
           important for student with goals to obtain a degree, to get a certificate or to transfer.

                                        APPLY ONLINE FOR ADMISSION
                                        Admissions and Records, (707) 256-7200
                                        Complete the online Application for Admission by selecting the “Enroll Now” link at
                               It  pays  to  Declare  Your$elf,  so  please  make  sure  to  provide  us
                                        your biographical/demographic information under the “Personal Information” section o f the applica-
                                        tion. Be prepared to declare a major and an educational goal

                                          COMPLETE AN ORIENTATION
                                          This link:
                                          Online-Orientation.aspx will take you to the Napa Valley College MyNVC mini
                                          portal. Click on the Canvas Online link and you will land at the sign in page. On
                                          the right side you will sign in using your NVC username and password.
                                          If you have problems logging in to the orientation or navigating its content please
                                          contact the Welcome Center, in person in room 1331A, by phone 707-256-7215,
                                          or by email All students must complete an
                                          orientation regardless of educational goal or major.

                                          COMPLETE THE ASSESSMENT PROCESS
                                          Testing and Tutoring Center, (707) 256-7434 or (707) 256-7437
                                          Complete an assessment test in the Testing and Tutoring Center, Room 1764 in Building
                                          1700, to determine the course placements for English and Math classes. No appoint-
                                          ment is necessary. Call office or check website for drop-in hours. You must have ap-
                                          plied for admission to NVC at least 24 hours prior to testing and bring a picture ID.

                                          ATTEND A COUNSELING/ADVISING (Ed Planning) SESSION
                                          General Counseling Center, (707) 256-7220
                                          All new students must complete an abbreviated (one semester) Ed Plan. New students must
                                          declare a major by the completion of 15 units and develop a Comprehensive Education Plan
                                          by 30 units.  Check Counseling website for drop-in hours.

                                          REGISTER AND PAY  FOR CLASSES
                                          Complete class registration online through WebAdvisor, available up to midnight before the
                                          first day of classes. All students register according to their A-G priority
                                          registration date. Once the class has started, students will need an Add Code from the
                                          instructor to register. Late start classes have different registration dates. Please refer to the
                                          Admissions and Records calendar on the Admissions and Records website

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