Page 47 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 47
Philosophy and Political Issues
Philosophy and Political Issues
My Brother’s Keeper
Human Dignity, Freedom and Rights from the Perspective of the Orthodox Church
by Fr. Radovan Bigović
Rare are the books of Orthodox Christian authors that deal with the subject of poli- tics in a comprehensive way. In this book, the reader will find a faithful engagement with the liturgical and patristic traditions, with contemporary thinkers, Orthodox and non-Orthodox, all in conversation with political science and philosophy. The author is courageous in dealing with the very sensitive issue of the relationship be- tween the Church and society and with urgent contemporary political and socio- economic issues. However, he understands that this cannot be done without theologi- cal criteria, i.e., this can be done only through the relational experience of the Church. Readily listening to the global ec- umenical theological conversations and following the best theological voices from East and West, Fr Radovan focuses on a personalistic rather than an individualistic view of the law and politics.
184 pages, softbound, published in 2013 price $20
Against Religion /
Против религије
by Christos Yannaras / Христо Јанарас
What is religion? In this book Christos Yannaras argues that it is a human con- struct, the product of our instincts of self- preservation and self-perpetuation, which bolsters our sense of security as individu- als, promising us personal eternal happi- ness. Against this, Yannaras sets the com- mitment of faith, defining it as an act of trust, self-offering and self-transcendence. For a Christian, faith is lived within the ecclesial event, that is to say, within a mode of relations of communion embodied in Christ. Yannaras’ criticism of all religion is very engaging. The main volume of Yan- naras’ work represents a long course on study and research of the differences be- tween the Greek and Western European philosophy and tradition, differences that are not limited at the level of theory only but also define a praxis (mode of life).
In Serbian
230 pages, softbound, published in 2019 price $15