Page 49 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 49

Philosophy and Political Issues
Philosophy and Political Issues
Философија из другог угла / Schism in Philosophy
by Christos Yannaras
In Serbian
Dostoevsky / Достојевски
by Bishop Atanasije Jevtic / Владика Атанасије Јевтић
In Serbian
What is religion? In this book Christos Yannaras argues that it is a human con- struct, the product of our instincts of self- preservation and self-perpetuation, which bolsters our sense of security as individu- als, promising us personal eternal happi- ness. Against this, Yannaras sets the com- mitment of faith, defining it as an act of trust, self-offering and self-transcendence. For a Christian, faith is lived within the ecclesial event, that is to say, within a mode of relations of communion embodied in Christ. Yannaras’ criticism of all religion is very engaging. The main volume of Yan- naras’ work represents a long course on study and research of the differences be- tween the Greek and Western European philosophy and tradition, differences that are not limited at the level of theory only but also define a praxis (mode of life).
260 pages, softbound, published in 2020 price $18
The Schism in Philosophy is an introduc- tion to a mode of philosophizing rather than simply a history of philosophical questions and the responses proposed to them. Historically there have been two contrasting modes of philosophizing: the communal mode of the Hellenic world and the individualistic mode of the post- Roman West. What the Greeks sought was the “criterion of truth”: a thing was true when it did not change or decay. Whereas existents themselves are ephemeral and subject to decay, the mode of their coexis- tence is the rationality of harmony and beauty, and this mode of being renders the universe a cosmos, a thing of ordered beauty. Consequently, the Greeks found their criterion of truth—that upon which they founded philosophy—not only in changelessness but also in the communal verification of knowledge: a thing was true if it could be defined as the result of shared experience. This book’s purpose is to trace the divergent paths along which philoso- phy developed in the Hellenic and the Western traditions as a result of this fun- damental schism.
368 pages, softbound, published in 2020 price $35

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