Page 48 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 48
Philosophy and Political Issues
Philosophy and Political Issues
The Ways of Byzantine Philosophy
edited by Mikonja Knežević
It is a great pleasure to see this work pub- lished, making available some of the most refreshing studies on Byzantine philoso- phy available, together in one volume. The 24 essays collected here treat diverse top- ics, from ontology to questions of iconici- ty, from historically oriented studies to nu- anced philosophical observations on Proclus, Christian Neoplatonism, Aquinas and Gregory Palamas, from Leontius of Byzantium to John Philoponus and Nico- las Cabasilas and his sacramental synthe- sis, from anthropology or hierarchies of beings of Gregory of Nyssa and Dionysius the Areopagite to Christology after Chal- cedon, from John of Damascus on genus and species to Scholarios and Pletho. Each of them is characterized by meticulous scholarship and great insight, clarity of thought and expression.
512 pages, softbound, published in 2015 price $35
Aristotle in Byzantium
edited by Mikonja Knežević
The reception of Ancient Greek Philoso- phy in Christian thought was for a long time considered under the “pro-crustean” scheme of “Platonic East” and “Aristote- lean West”. However, through different studies, books, and critical editions it has been shown that Aristotle—whether he was neglected as kakotechnos or, again, treat-ed in a more affirmative way—was very well-known not only in the West but also in the Eastern Roman Empire. This fact is testified by generations of authors adopting, adapting, commenting, and crit- icizing the Stagirite, whose works have survived through over than 1000 of Byzan- tine manuscripts. This volume offers twelve scien-tific studies on different top- ics of Aristotelean philoso-phy that are to be found in Patristic writers and Byzan- tine philosophers. These studies show that the Stagirite was vividly present in Eastern Roman Empire from the first centuries of its existence till the Fall of Constantinople, which means that one may even speak of an uninterrupted tradition of commenting Aristotle in Byzan-tium.
346 pages, softbound, published in 2020 price $35