Page 520 - Kosovo Metohija Heritage
P. 520

Milan ivanović and Dragan jovanović
Kladenac (Church Well) (the Kamberovica mahala); 6. ruins of the church of St. john on the site called Crkvine (ruins of a church), below the Cutek hill; 7. remains of “Kaludjerski Grad” (Monks’ Town) on the elevation called Gradina above the vil- lage; 8. ruins of a former church on the estate of Seferaj Salija; 9. ruins of a former church in the barn of Hajzeraj Ramadan; 10. remains of an old town in the Šipovik wood, above the village. SUVO GRLO II or GORNJE SUVO GRLO (Srbica): remains of several churches or the surviving names of the sites of for- mer churches: 1. remains of the church of the Mother of God; 2. the site of the former church of epiphany; 3. the site of the former church “Kod Murike” (By the Mulberry Tree); 4. the site called Kaludjerska Gradina (Ruins of the Monks’ Castle) with Kaludjerski izvor (Monks’ Spring); 5. Lupoglav with the remains of the church of the Holy Trinity and; 6. Ćelije (Cells) with a spring and Ćelijski Krš above it.
SVETLJE (Podujevo): according to a 15th-century census, the monastery of St. Menas was situated somewhere around the village, while the church was in the village itself.
SVINJARE (K. Mitrovica): church and the ruins of a church in the village; the ruins of another church situated on the site called Troja.
SVRČIN (Uroševac): in the 14th c. the courts of Serbian rulers were located here, together with the church of St. john in which King Dušan was coronated in 1331 (the palace stood on the Sarajište estate and the church on the Glavica hill on the site called Crkvine—i.e. ruins of a church); with the church’s stone- -remains, jashar Pasha built the bridge on the Sitnica river. SVRKE (Peć): an old graveyard; the ruins called St. Sava also existed.
SVRKE VOLUJAČKE (Klina): remains of an old church (men- tioned in a notice from the 17th c.) its stone was taken away and used for the construction of village houses. an old Ser- bian graveyard is situated next to the ruins.
ŠAIC (Kriva Reka near Novo Brdo): old graveyard of the for- mer settlement occupied the site called Grobljanska Ravan (Graveyard Plain).
ŠAJKOVAC (Podujevo): a church formerly existed (a village priest mentioned as early as 1455), while nowadays there is only a graveyard.
ŠALCE (Vučitrn): locality “Crkvena Kosa” (Church Slope) in the hamlet of Ugljare indicates that the village used to have a church outside the village another church stood on the site called Šalačka Crkva (Sadačka Church); the remains of an old Serbian graveyard in the village (on the site called isenov Za bel).
ŠALJINOVICA (istok): remains of a church (with the frag- ments of frescos and a bell-tower in the old graveyard, on the right bank of the Kujavca river (tradition associates the church with St. arsenije of Serbia).
ŠAPELJ, ŠAPTEJ (Dečane): locality “Srpsko Groblje” (Ser- bian Graveyard).
ŠARBAN (Priština): ruins of an old church existed until 1878. ŠAŠARE (Vitina): ruins of the Catholic church of St. Rocco. ŠAŠKOVAC (Priština): remains of the medieval church of St. Paraskeve and the Cells of Šaškovac (frequent abode of Ser- bian patriarchs in the 17th c.), above the village, at the foot of Veletina.
ŠILOVO (Gnjilane): 1. ruins of the church of St. Mark near the village; 2. foundations of an old, large edifice, in the local- ity called Slamnište.
ŠIPOLJE (K. Mitrovica): old cemetery, repetedly desecrated in recent times
ŠLJIVOVICA, SLIVOVICA (Vučitrn): ruins of a former church and an old graveyard on the site called jesice. ŠPINADIJA (Prizren): remains of the church of the Mother of God amolyntos (probably from the 16th c.) near the village, several old tombstones are situated around the church. ŠTIMLJE (Uroševac): one of the courts of Stefan Dečanski (1321–1331) was situated in the village; in 15th century, a village priest is referred to; the present-day church of the Holy arch- angel Michael was erected in 1920–1922 on the foundations of an older church in the graveyard in the east side of the set- tlement, the church of St. Nicholas was constructed in 1926 on the foundations of the old graveyard church. ŠTITARICA (Vučitrn): in the village which as early as 1455 had a priest a church existed once (confirmed by the ruins of an old church).
ŠTRPCE (Uroševac): 1. church of St. Nicholas raised in the village and painted in 1576/1577; 2. church of St. John the Bap- tist erected in 1911 on the site of a former church, east of the visage; 3. old graveyard, in the village.
ŠTUPELJ (Klina): foundations of the church of the Presenta- tions of the Mother of God (also called St. Paraskeve), in the Serbian graveyard, on the site called Vakuf (as early as 1485, the village had a priest).
ŠTUTICA (in the Middle ages Štucanci, Glogovac): locality “Crkva” (Church), where a Serbian church used to stand. ŠUMATI BOGOVAC: unascertained monastery in the nachye of Peć (mentioned in the Turkish census of 1485). ŠUMNIK: unascertained monastery in the nachye of Peć (men- tioned in Turkish censuses from the 15th and 16th c.). ŠUMNJA LUKA, ŠAMALUK (Podujevo): locality “Kod Cr- kve” (By the Church).
TALINOVAC, JERLI TALINOVAC (Uroševac): 1. accord- ing to traditon, a church stood on the site of the present-day mosque before the albanians settled in 1840 (a village priest mentioned in the 15th and the 17th c.); 2. Paun’s field (near the
Štimlje, Holy Archangels Michael Church, 1922

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