Page 63 - Knots and Splices (1st Edition)
P. 63

KNOTS & SPLICES BK5.0  1/21/06  11:04  Page 62

              77e                                                77f

             of the seizing (77d) until three or   and then roll the splice gently under
             four rounds of tucks have been   foot on a firm surface to settle it (77f).
             completed.                     The ends of the strands may be
                At this point the seizing can be  cut off short after the splice has been
             removed so that the tucks into the  settled, but some people prefer to
             other side can be made tight as in  leave them as shown in case they
             77e. Continue tucking to completion  work out.

             The Multiplait to Chain Splice is one  temporary seizing round the rope to
             of the most important splices in use  hold it together. Open the rope so that,
             today. It is used to join a multiplait  as you look down on the end (78a)
             rope anchor rode to the all important  you see two pairs of strands with a
             anchor chain. The splice will pass  heavy black thread in them and two
             through a chain pipe and should also  pairs either with a light thread or
             run over the gipsy of an anchor winch  none at all. Place the end against the
             or windlass. The splice looks harder  last link of the chain (78b) and tuck
             to put in than it actually is, but it  each of the four strands with black
             requires far more tucks than most  threads in them through the first link
             splices because the chain links have   as in 78c, with each pair going in
             no ‘give’ and therefore offer reduced  opposite directions. Tuck one strand
             grip between them and the (slippery)  through, then its opposite one, so that
             rope strands. (The splice in the   they lie like laced fingers – this is
             photograph is short for clarity.)  important for subsequent tucks. Now
                Separate the eight strands and  turn the chain 90 degrees and tuck
             tape whip their ends. Unlay the   the two pairs of unmarked strands
             rope for a distance equal to at least  through the next link (78d), again
             12 links of the chain and put a   lacing them alternately as in 78c.

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