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        asymptomatic patients (98±19 ms/cm), suggesting a possible role for ECGI in arrhythmic risk

        stratification in LQT syndrome .

        Early Repolarization Syndrome       314.315

               Early repolarization (ER) syndrome is defined in terms of its electrocardiographic signature,
        that is, significant elevation of the QRS-ST-segment junction (J-point) in the inferior or lateral
        precordial leads  316-318 . It has long been considered benign,  but was recently shown to have
        greater prevalence in patients with history of idiopathic ventricular fibrillation (31.1% vs 5% in

        control) 317,318 . The ECG lacks specificity and the J-point elevation (“J-wave”) could reflect delayed
        activation and not necessarily early repolarization. We used ECGI to resolve this issue and test the
        hypothesis that ER involves accelerated repolarization rather than delayed activation. An example
        is provided in Figure 5.21.

               Figure 5.21, top panel, shows the ECGI activation map during sinus rhythm, with activation
        starting from the superior anterior septum (a normal variant), followed by activation of the RV and
        LV in an apex to base fashion. This activation sequence is normal and excitation spread is uniform,

        without regions of slow conduction, delayed activation, or conduction block. Figure 5.21, middle
        panel, shows the ECGI repolarization ARI map for the same sinus beat. Strikingly, there are regions
        of very short ARI (reflecting short APD) in midanterolateral RV (ARI = 140 ms, dark blue, marked
        1 in right anterior oblique (RAO) view) and inferior basal RV (ARI = 160 ms, light blue, marked 3 in

        left posterior oblique (LPO) view). Corresponding normal ARI value in these regions is 235 ms. Im-
        portant for arrhythmogenesis, presence of these short ARI regions introduces steep repolarization
        gradients: 107.4 ms/cm in region 1 and 102.2 ms/cm in region 3. For comparison, ARI gradients in
        normal hearts range from 4.5 ms/cm to 11.3 ms/cm. ECGI-reconstructed EGMs from the regions

        of short ARI show marked J-point elevation (inset 1), whereas those from neighboring regions do
        not show any evidence of early repolarization (inset 2). The patient in Figure 5.21 had several pre-
        mature ventricular complexes (PVC) of identical morphologies during the ECGI procedure. Figure
        5.21, bottom panel, shows ECGI-generated epicardial potential maps for early activation (left) and

        early repolarization (right) during a PVC. The local negative potential minimum of early activation
        (left panel,  asterisk, dark blue) locates the PVC origin. The location is verified by a potential
        maximum that replaces the minimum at the same location (right panel, asterisk, red) during early
        repolarization. The PVCs originate from an apical region. If the PVC generates an excitation wave

        that interacts with the substrate of steep dispersion in a specific way (at a particular time window,
        and at a particular velocity, direction and orientation relative to the substrate), unidirectional block
        could occur and reentrant arrhythmia could be triggered. This illustrates the probabilistic nature
        of cardiac arrhythmogenesis, which requires co-occurrence of multiple specific conditions. A later

        study in 29 ER patients  confirmed these results, showing marked abbreviation of ventricular
        repolarization in areas with J-wave EGMs, and regions of steep repolarization gradients. In two
        patients, PVCs were mapped by ECGI with origins closely related to the abnormal EP substrate.
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