Page 159 - Cardiac Electrophysiology | A Modeling and Imaging Approach
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PVC Voltage Maps (LPO View)
Figure 5.21. Abnormal repolarization substrate in early repolarization syndrome. Top, Activation
isochrones maps during a sinus beat shown in 3 views (from left to right: right anterior oblique
(RAO), left anterior oblique (LAO), left posterior oblique (LPO)). Middle, Repolarization ARI maps
for the same sinus beat. Insets show 2 representative EGMs: (1) from the dark blue region with
unusually short ARI, and (2) from an adjacent area with normal ARI values. Bottom, ECGI
epicardial potential maps during early activation (40 ms, left) and the start of repolarization) 170
ms, right) of a PVC beat. The time points of the potential maps are shown on an ECG trace to the
right of the maps. Note that the activation and repolarization maps have similar patterns, but with
reversed polarity. From Ghosh et. al. [314] with permission of Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.