Page 162 - Cardiac Electrophysiology | A Modeling and Imaging Approach
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        Figure 5.23. Activation and repolarization during sinus rhythm in BrS patients. A. Activation times
        isochrone maps (AT). Insets show zoom on the RVOT. B. Activation-recovery interval (ARI) maps.
        C. Recovery time (RT) maps. Epicardial breakthrough is indicated by asterisk. Isochrones are
        depicted by thin black lines. Black arrows in the RVOT zoom maps of A point to slow conduction
        (crowded isochrones). Red arrows in B and C point to regions with steep repolarization gradients.
        BrS patients are shown in the right three columns. The first column shows corresponding data
        from a healthy subject. From Zhang et. al. [320] with permission of Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
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