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(originated at +). The following ATP beats (P2-P8) captured the myocardium and activation was
due to RV pacing alone (wave front originated and spread from + exclusively). The beat following
the last ATP beat (atrial paced (AtrP); right column of Figure 5.30) was identical to the SR beat
before VT onset.
Figure 5.31 and Movie 9 ( Example of ECGI of reentrant VT from
inferobasal scar. A. Four views of activation sequence during a sinus capture (SC) beat (A on the
V2 ECG). Arrows indicate direction of the activation wave front propagation. B. Activation sequence
during VT beats (B on the V2 ECG). White arrows indicate a clockwise lateral loop; purple arrows
show propagation into the RV in a counterclockwise fashion. C. (Left) SPECT images showing a
scar at the inferobasal LV region (blue). (Right) Limited invasive endocardial map of VT activation
(red, early; blue, late). From Wang et. al. [329] with permission of The American Association for the
Advancement of Science.