Page 174 - Cardiac Electrophysiology | A Modeling and Imaging Approach
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Figure 5.32. Example of ECGI of
reentrant VT in lateral wall infiltrate
cardiomyopathy. Activation patterns
for three consecutive VT beats
(T1, T2, T3). ECGI identified two
distinct areas of early epicardial
activation (white asterisks), which
differed slightly from beat to beat.
The propagation pattern varied
somewhat depending on the relative
contribution of the two sources, but
for all beats, the wave front turned
clockwise and propagated to the LV
lateral base with a high degree of
curvature, where it reached a line of
block in the inferolateral base. From
Wang et. al. [329] with permission
of The American Association for the
Advancement of Science.
B. C.
Figure 5.33. Anterior scar-related VT with a double-loop pattern. A. VT activation map in different
views. B. Scar substrate voltage map with relatively preserved voltage (green) flanked by low volt-
ages (red and orange). C. Regions of late potentials (red). Inset on the right shows a fractionated
EGM with late potentials (LPs) during sinus rhythm (the yellow arrow points to EGM location). In
A, zigzag arrow indicates very slow conduction across the scar border in the VT common pathway
back to the VT emergence site. Curved arrows indicate propagation direction of the VT wave front.
From Zhang et. al. [332] with permission of John Wiley and Sons.