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        Figure 5.34. (from previous page) A. Epicardial breakthrough. A potential minimum, indicating
        epicardial breakthrough, appears and expands in the mid lateral RV shortly after the QRS onset;
        the breakthrough center is indicated by an asterisk. RV outflow tract is shown in blue and LV
        outflow tract in pink. Atria and LAD shown in gray. B. Electrical activation isochrones in the same
        subject. C. Activation-recovery interval maps from a representative male (left) and female (right)
        demonstrate the longer repolarization in females compared with males. D. Electromechanical
        sequences in a healthy adult heart. Electrical activation wave is shown in blue, with direction of
        propagation indicated by yellow arrows (left image). LV displacements during contraction of the
        same heart are depicted by colored points, with colors indicating wall segments. Point colors vary
        from septal (purple) to lateral (yellow). An animation of the electromechanical sequence is
        provided in Movie 10 ( LA indicates left atrium; LAD, left anterior
        descending coronary artery; and RA, right atrium. From Andrews et. al. [333] with permission of
        Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.

                                                    6   Disclosure

               Yoram Rudy receives royalties from CardioInsight Technologies (CIT). CIT does not support

        any of the research conducted in Yoram Rudy’s laboratory.

                                             7   Acknowledgements

               I am deeply grateful to the many students, fellows and colleagues who contributed to
        the work summarized in this monograph and the insights it tries to convey. Many thanks to
        Huyen Nguyen who edited the manuscript and transformed it into a book format. The research
        described here was conducted under grants R37-HL-033343, R01-HL-033343 and R01-HL-049054

        from the NIH-National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Yoram Rudy is the Fred Saigh
        Distinguished Professor at Washington University. This monograph is dedicated to the memory
        of three colleagues, mentors and friends – Professors Robert Plonsey, Bruno Taccardi and Jerome

        Liebman; they are sorely missed.
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