Page 7 - CBAC Newsletter 2013
P. 7

modeling metaBoliSm-exCitation CouPling:

                                     k           aS the gateway

                           By Jonathan r. Silva and Colin g. niCholS


        Among channels that regulate excitability, the ATP-sensitive K channel (K ) is unique because it provides a direct link
        to cellular metabolism. Thus, channels open to provide outward, repolarizing K  current in response to altered con-
        centrations of intracellular nucleotides. In the beta-cells of the pancreas, reduced [ATP] and increased ADP and AMP
        caused by lower plasma glucose concentration suppresses Ca channel-driven electrical bursts. The lower bursting
        rate results in less Ca  entry, which in turn lowers [Ca ] and the rate of insulin secretion. Consequently, mutations
        that cause constitutively open K  lead to profound neonatal diabetes mellitus (NDM) in both mice and humans, due
        to a suppression of bursting and therefore a lack of insulin secretion (Koster, Marshall et al. 2000; Gloyn, Pearson et
        al. 2004). Surprisingly, NDM patients have not been found to exhibit any cardiac phenotype, even though K  channels
        are present at very high density in the mycocyte sarcolemmal membrane (Noma 1983). The existence of unique car-
        diac and pancreatic phenotypes has been attributed to heterogeneity in the molecular composition of K ATP  in different
        tissues. However, several recent publications, including the discovery of a link between K ATP  mutations and the Early
        Repolarization Syndrome (ERS) (Haissaguerre, Chatel et al. 2009), have called the uniqueness of the cardiac K  chan-
        nel molecular composition into question. Here, we will discuss these findings and future experimental and theoretical
        directions that could clarify the consequences of heterogeneous K  expression.
        The K ATP  channel pore is formed by four K -selective inward rectifier α-subunits, Kir6.x. Each pore-forming subunit
        contains two transmembrane-spanning segments TM1 and TM2 (Nichols 2006). Elevated levels of ATP inhibit channel

        opening by binding to a pocket formed by the Kir6.x N and C termini at the interface of adjacent subunits. Four addi-
        tional ATP- binding cassette (ABC) family-sulfonylurea receptor (SUR) subunits surround the Kir6.x pore (Figure 1A).
        Each SUR subunit is composed of three transmembrane domains, the first (TMD0) with 5 segments and others (TMD1
        and TMD2) with six segments.  Near the SUR C-terminus reside the nucleotide binding pockets that bind ADP and AMP.
        When nucleotides are bound, the linker between TMD0 and TMD1, L0, interacts with the Kir6.x N-terminus to facilitate
        channel opening (Figure 1B). Thus, channel opening occurs when ATP-dependent inhibition of Kir6.x is relieved during
        SUR-mediated ADP and AMP facilitation of opening.

        Figure 1

                                                                                         CBAC Center Heartbeat |1
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