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Bhg. Profesor Dato’ Dr. Azizan Abu Samah Bhg. Professor Dato’ Dr. Azizan Abu
dilahirkan di Jitra, Kedah pada 22 Ogos Samah was born in Jitra, Kedah on the
1954. Beliau merupakan anak bongsu 22nd of August 1954. He is the youngest
Ydaripada empat adik beradik dari keluarga Y of four siblings, in the modest family
sederhana Abu Samah bin Mat Salleh dan Aishah of Abu Samah bin Mat Salleh and Aishah binti
binti Lebai Awang. Ayah Profesor Dato’ Azizan Lebai Awang. Professor Dato’ Dr. Azizan’s father
seorang kerani di Pejabat Tanah Jitra sementara was a clerk working at Jitra Land Office, while
ibu beliau, seorang suri rumah tangga. Arwah his mother was a housewife. Professor Dato’ Dr.
kakak sulung Profesor Dato’ Dr. Azizan, yang Azizan’s father passed away when Dato’ Azizan
merupakan seorang guru banyak membantu was sitting for his Lower Certificate of Education
membimbing perjalanan pendidikan beliau selepas (LCE) Examination. After this Dato’ Azizan’s late
ayah mereka meninggal dunia semasa Profesor eldest sister, who was a teacher, helped greatly to
Dato’ Dr. Azizan sedang menduduki peperiksaan guide him on his educational path. As a student
Lower Certificate of Education (LCE). Turut at the Malay College Kuala Kangsar, he received
membantu adalah Biasiswa Kecil Persekutuan the Biasiswa Kecil Persekutuan, which provided
yang diperolehi semasa di Malay College Kuala further support. Later, when Professor Dato’ Dr.
Kangsar dan biasiswa Colombo Plan semasa beliau Azizan was doing his undergraduate degree at
mengikuti pengajian di Monash University dalam Monash University in the field of Physics, he was
jurusan Fizik. Profesor Dato’ Dr. Azizan seterusnya a recipient of the Colombo Plan scholarship.
melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat PhD di Professor Dato’ Dr. Azizan went on to pursue his
University of Reading, England dengan tajaan PhD studies in Meteorology at the University of
Commonwealth University Scholarship dalam Reading, England, under the Commonwealth
bidang meteorologi. University Scholarship.