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YBhg. Profesor Dato’ Dr. Azizan Abu Samah YBhg. Professor Dato’ Dr. Azizan Abu Samah
merupakan tokoh Geografi terkenal di Malaysia is a renowned figure in Geography both at the
dan antarabangsa khususnya dalam bidang kaji national and international levels, especially in
cuaca, perubahan iklim dan Antartika. Beliau the fields of meterology, climate change and the
berkhidmat sebagai seorang daripada Timbalan Antarctic. He served as one of the Vice Presidents
Presiden the Scientific Committee on Antarctic of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic
Research (SCAR) dan sidang pengarang Polar Research (SCAR) and sat on the editorial board of
Journal. Profesor Dr. Dato’ Azizan juga pernah the Polar Journal. Professor Dato’ Dr. Azizan also
bertindak sebagai Penyelaras Projek penyelidikan served as the Coordinator of a European Union
SHIVA (Stratospheric Ozone: Halogen Impacts in SHIVA (Stratospheric Ozone: Halogen Impacts
a Varying Atmosphere) Kesatuan Eropah dan Ahli in a Varying Atmosphere) Research Project, was
Jawatankuasa Pemandu Asia Pacific Rim University a Member of the Asia Pacific Rim University -
- World Institute Pacific Rim Cities Climate Change World Institute Pacific Rim Cities Climate Change
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies (APRU-CMAS) Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies (APRU-
serta merupakan Ahli International Scientific CMAS), and was a member, as well as being on
Advisory Committee of Asian Network on Climate the Steering Committee, of the International
Science and Technology (ANCST). Beliau juga Scientific Advisory Committee of Asian Network
merupakan Felo Akademi Sains Malaysia dan the on Climate Science and Technology (ANCST).
Royal Meteorological Society, UK.
He is also a Fellow of the Malaysian Academy of
YBhg. Profesor Dato’ Dr. Azizan Abu Samah Science, and the Royal Meteorological Society,
telah menghasilkan banyak penulisan yang UK.
diterbitkan dalam jurnal berimpak tinggi seperti YBhg. Professor Dato’ Dr. Azizan Abu Samah
Ocean Dynamics, International Journal of Climate has published articles in a number of high impact
dan Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmosphere). journals such as Ocean Dynamics, International
Beliau seorang penyelidik yang aktif dan amat Journal of Climate, and Journal of Geophysical
berdedikasi serta menjadi mentor kepada Research (Atmosphere). Aside from being a
beberapa generasi ahli Geografi di negara ini. very dedicated and active researcher, he has
Profesor Dato’ Dr. Azizan mengetuai beberapa also served as a mentor to several generations
inisiatif penyelidikan di peringkat kebangsaan dan of geographers in Malaysia. Professor Dato’ Dr.
antarabangsa. Berpengalaman luas di lapangan, Azizan heads several research initiatives both
Profesor Dato’ Dr. Azizan juga telah menubuhkan at the national and international levels. With
rangkaian pemerhatian dan membangunkan his wide experience in the field, Professor Dato’
kapasiti pemodelan numerikal untuk simulasi Dr. Azizan has also developed observational
dan meramal proses samudera dan atmosfera di networks and numerical modelling capacity in his
kawasan tropika dan Antartika. research centre to simulate and forecast ocean
YBhg. Profesor Dato’ Dr. Azizan Abu Samah and atmospheric processes in the tropics and
juga merupakan pakar rujuk kepada Kementerian Antarctic.
Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi, Malaysia khususnya Ybhg. Profesor Dato’ Dr. Azizan Abu Samah is
dalam isu jerebu dan perubahan iklim. Beliau also an expert advisor to the Ministry of Science,
terlibat sebagai Penasihat dalam penyediaan Technology and Innovation, Malaysia, particularly
Dasar Polar Malaysia dan Akta Antartika. Beliau in relation to haze and climate change issues.
juga berkhidmat sebagai Pakar Rujuk Kementerian He is involved as Advisor in the preparation
Pendidikan, Malaysia untuk penggubalan kurikulum of the Malaysia Polar Policy and Antartic Act.
serta penulisan buku teks Geografi.
Professor Dato’ Dr. Azizan also provides expert
Sumbangan Profesor Dato’ Dr. Azizan services to the Ministry of Education, Malaysia
kepada negara khususnya dalam menerajui in the formulation and writing of the Geography
Pusat Penyelidikan Antartika Kebangsaan curriculum and text books.
yang memperjuangkan dan mempertahankan Ybhg. Professor Dato’ Azizan’s contributions
kepentingan Malaysia di benua baru yang to the country are outstanding and invaluable,
mempunyai nilai yang amat tertinggi adalah amat particularly in leading the National Antarctic
besar. Atas sumbangan beliau yang amat bermakna Research Center (NARC) in the struggle to
itu, beliau telah dianugerahkan Tokoh Antartika maintain Malaysia’s interest in the new continent.
For these undoubtedly significant contributions,
Professor Dato’ Dr. Azizan was awarded the Tokoh
Antartika Negara.