Page 32 - Buku Istiadat Konvokesyen Khas TYT Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
P. 32
uan Yang Terutama (TYT) Recep Tayyip ith roots in Rize, Recep Tayyip
T Februari 1954. Berasal dari Rize, beliau W Erdoğan was born in Istanbul on
Erdoğan dilahirkan di Istanbul pada 26
February 26, 1954. He graduated
menamatkan pendidikan rendah di Kasımpaşa Piyale from Kasımpaşa Piyale Primary School in 1965 and
Primary School pada tahun 1965 dan menamatkan completed his high school education at Istanbul
pendidikan menengah di Istanbul Imam Hatip Imam Hatip School (Religious Vocational High
School (Sekolah Menengah Vokasional Agama) pada School) in 1973. Having succeeded in the necessary
tahun 1973. Selepas lulus peperiksaan tambahan examinations for additional courses, Mr. Erdoğan
yang diperlukan, TYT Recep Tayyip Erdoğan turut received a diploma from Eyüp High School as
memperoleh diploma dari Eyüp High School dan well. He received his graduation diploma from
seterusnya menamatkan pengajian di Fakulti Marmara University’s Faculty of Economics and
Ekonomi dan Sains Pentadbiran, Marmara University Administrative Sciences in 1981.
dan menerima ijazah pada tahun 1981. Since his youth, Mr. Erdoğan has chosen to lead
Sejak usia muda, TYT Recep Tayyip Erdoğan a social life intertwining with politics. From 1969
menjalani kehidupan sosial yang berkait rapat to 1982, he was also actively interested in football
dengan politik. Dari tahun 1969 hingga 1982, beliau which taught him the significance of team work and
turut bergiat aktif dalam sukan bola sepak, yang spirit in his younger years. These years coincided
mengajarnya tentang kepentingan kerja berpasukan with the time when Mr. Erdoğan as an idealistic
dan semangat kesukanan. Dalam tempoh ini, sebagai young man started to be interested in social and
seorang pemuda yang berfikiran idealis, TYT Recep national problems and stepped into active politics.
Tayyip Erdoğan mula memberi perhatian kepada Assuming active responsibilities at the
isu sosial dan nasional, seterusnya melibatkan diri students’ branch of the National Turkish Students’
secara aktif dalam politik. Association during his high school and university
Ketika masih di sekolah dan universiti, TYT years, Mr. Erdoğan was elected the Head of the
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan memegang pelbagai MSP Beyoğlu Youth Branch in 1976 and he was also
tanggungjawab penting dalam National Turkish elected the Head of the MSP İstanbul Youth Branch
Students’ Association. Pada tahun 1976, beliau telah in the same year. Holding this position until 1980,
dipilih sebagai Ketua Cawangan Belia MSP Beyoğlu, he served as consultant and senior executive in the
dan turut dipilih sebagai Ketua Cawangan Belia private sector during the September 12 era when
MSP Istanbul. Beliau memegang jawatan tersebut the political parties were closed down.
sehingga tahun 1980 dan berkhidmat sebagai Mr. Erdoğan returned to political activities
penasihat serta eksekutif kanan dalam sektor with the Welfare Party, established in 1983, and
swasta sepanjang era 12 September, ketika parti- he was elected the Beyoğlu District Head of the
parti politik di Türkiye diharamkan. Welfare Party in 1984. In 1985, he was elected the
TYT Recep Tayyip Erdoğan kembali aktif dalam İstanbul Provincial Head of the Welfare Party and in
politik menerusi Welfare Party, yang ditubuhkan the same year he became a member of the Central
pada tahun 1983 dan dipilih sebagai Ketua Daerah Executive Board of the Welfare Party. Developing
Beyoğlu bagi parti tersebut pada tahun 1984. Pada a new organizational structure which served as a
tahun 1985, beliau dipilih sebagai Ketua Wilayah model for other political parties during his tenure
Istanbul dan pada tahun yang sama, beliau menjadi as Istanbul Provincial Head, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Ahli Lembaga Eksekutif Pusat, Welfare Party. Di carried out projects that aimed at urging the
bawah kepimpinannya, beliau membangunkan participation of women and youth in politics, thus
struktur organisasi baharu yang kemudiannya taking important steps toward helping politics to
menjadi model bagi parti politik lain. TYT Recep be espoused and respected among the masses.
Tayyip Erdoğan juga melaksanakan pelbagai projek This project won the Welfare Party a great success
bagi menggalakkan penyertaan golongan wanita dan during the mayoral elections in Beyoğlu in 1989,
belia dalam politik, sekali gus mengambil langkah serving as a good example for others in terms of
penting ke arah menjadikan politik lebih diterima studies at the party across the country.
dan dihormati dalam kalangan rakyat. Usaha ini telah
membawa kejayaan besar kepada Welfare Party
dalam Pilihan Raya Perbandaran Beyoğlu 1989, yang
menjadi contoh bagi usaha politik di seluruh negara.
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