Page 33 - Buku Istiadat Konvokesyen Khas TYT Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
P. 33
Pada Pilihan Raya Tempatan 27 Mac 1994, As for the local elections held on March
TYT Recep Tayyip Erdoğan telah dipilih sebagai 27, 1994, Mr. Erdoğan was elected Mayor of
Datuk Bandar Metropolitan Istanbul. Sepanjang Metropolitan İstanbul. During his term in office
pentadbirannya, beliau berjaya mengenalpasti dan as Mayor, he produced correct diagnoses and
menyelesaikan pelbagai masalah utama yang telah solutions to the chronic problems of İstanbul, one
lama membelenggu Istanbul, salah sebuah bandar of the world’s most important metropolitan cities
metropolitan terpenting di dunia. Dengan kebolehan through his political abilities, the importance he
politik, keutamaan terhadap kerja berpasukan serta attached to team work and successful management
pengurusan sumber manusia dan kewangan yang in human resources and financial issues. The water
cekap, beliau telah membawa perubahan besar problem was overcome by laying hundreds of
kepada bandar raya itu. Di bawah kepimpinannya, kilometers of new pipe line, the garbage problem
ratusan kilometer saluran paip baharu dibina, was solved through the establishment of the most
kemudahan kitar semula moden diwujudkan, modern recycling facilities and the problem of
lebih 50 jambatan dan lebuh raya dibina, serta air pollution ended with the natural gas projects
perkhidmatan awam diperkemas dengan ketelusan developed during Erdoğan’s term in office. As for
dalam pengurusan kewangan. Langkah-langkah traffic congestion and transportation deadlock,
ini membolehkan hutang perbandaran sebanyak more than 50 bridges, passageways and freeways
2 bilion dolar dikurangkan, sambil melaksanakan were constructed and many more projects which
pelaburan bernilai 4 bilion dolar, menjadikan would guide the other administrations in the city
pentadbirannya sebagai rujukan dalam sejarah were developed. Taking very stringent precautions
perbandaran Türkiye. Pendekatan inovatif beliau for the correct exertion of the municipal resources
dalam pentadbiran bandar menjadikannya perintis and to prevent corruption, Mr. Erdoğan paid most of
dalam sejarah pentadbiran perbandaran Türkiye dan the debts of the İstanbul Municipality which he took
menjadi rujukan utama bagi pemimpin bandar lain. over with its 2 billion dollars debt and he during his
Pada 12 Disember 1997, ketika berucap di Siirt, tenure achieved investments worth 4 billion dollars.
TYT Recep Tayyip Erdoğan telah membaca sebuah Mr. Erdoğan, thus, accomplished a breakthrough in
puisi daripada buku yang disyorkan oleh Kementerian the municipal history and while his works served
Pendidikan Kebangsaan dan diterbitkan oleh as good examples for other mayors, he won the
sebuah agensi kerajaan. Namun, tindakan tersebut confidence of the people.
menyebabkan beliau dijatuhkan hukuman penjara, On December 12, 1997, while addressing the
sekali gus menamatkan jawatannya sebagai Datuk public in Siirt, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan read a poem
Bandar. from a book, which was recommended by the
Selepas menjalani hukuman selama empat National Education Ministry and published by a
bulan, TYT Recep Tayyip Erdoğan bersama rakan- state agency, and after that, he was sentenced to
rakannya menubuhkan Justice and Development imprisonment for reading that poem. Thus, his term
Party (AK Party) pada 14 Ogos 2001. Dengan sokongan as mayor was ended.
rakyat serta perkembangan proses demokrasi, Mr. Erdoğan, after serving 4 months in prison,
beliau dipilih sebagai Pengerusi Pengasas AK Party established the Justice and Development Party
oleh Majlis Pengasas parti tersebut. AK Party menjadi (AK Party) on August 14, 2001 with his friends as a
pergerakan politik terbesar di Türkiye dan mencipta result of the insistent demand from the public and
kejayaan besar dalam Pilihan Raya Parlimen 2002 the developing democratic process and he was
yang memperoleh majoriti dua pertiga di Parlimen elected Founding General Chair of the AK Party by
Türkiye. the Council of Founders. The favor of the nation
made the AK Party a political movement which
enjoyed the broadest public support in the country
in the very first year of its establishment and made
it the sole ruling party with a two-thirds majority at
the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye at the end
of the parliamentary elections held in 2002.
12/2/2025 9:42:51 AM
Buku Istiadat Konvokesyen Khas 2025.indb 31
Buku Istiadat Konvokesyen Khas 2025.indb 31 12/2/2025 9:42:51 AM