Page 34 - Buku Istiadat Konvokesyen Khas TYT Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
P. 34
Disebabkan keputusan mahkamah ketika itu, Mr. Erdoğan, who was not a candidate for MP
TYT Recep Tayyip Erdoğan tidak dapat bertanding during the elections on November 3, 2002 due to
dalam Pilihan Raya 3 November 2002. Namun, the court’s decision against him at the time, joined
selepas halangan undang-undang dihapuskan, the deputy renewal election held on March 9, 2003
beliau bertanding dalam Pilihan Raya Semula di Siirt in Siirt when the legal obstacle was lifted after the
pada 9 Mac 2003, di mana beliau memperoleh 85% necessary legal regulations had been made. Taking
undi, lalu dipilih sebagai Ahli Parlimen bagi penggal 85 % of the votes cast in that election, he became a
ke-22. deputy from Siirt for the 22nd term.
Pada 15 Mac 2003, TYT Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Taking over the Prime Minister’s office on
mengangkat sumpah sebagai Perdana Menteri March 15, 2003, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan implemented
Türkiye dan memulakan satu era transformasi a number of reforms of crucial importance in
nasional yang membawa perubahan besar kepada the shortest time with his ideal of a brighter and
negara. Türkiye mencapai kemajuan besar dalam constantly growing Türkiye. The country made
pendemokrasian, ketelusan, dan pencegahan great progress in democratization, transparency
rasuah. Antara reformasi utama yang dilaksanakan and the prevention of corruption. In parallel with
termasuk pengawalan inflasi yang telah this, inflation which had not been overcome
membelenggu Türkiye selama beberapa dekad, and which had adversely affected the country’s
penstrukturan semula mata wang Turki dengan economy and the psychology of the people for
menghapuskan enam sifar daripada mata wang decades was curbed. 6 zeros were removed from
negara, penurunan kadar faedah hutang negara, the Turkish currency, giving back the Turkish Lira
yang meningkatkan pendapatan per kapita rakyat its credit. The rate of the state’s debt interests were
dan pembangunan infrastruktur berskala besar, lowered and a considerable increase in the national
termasuk empangan, perumahan, sekolah, hospital, income per capita was achieved. An unprecedented
jalan raya, dan loji tenaga. Reformasi ini disifatkan number of dams, residential units, schools, roads,
oleh ramai pemerhati asing dan pemimpin dunia hospitals and power plants were constructed. All
sebagai “Silent Revolution”, menandakan perubahan these affirmative developments were described by
besar dalam lanskap ekonomi dan politik Türkiye. many foreign observers and Western leaders as a
TYT Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, selain “Silent Revolution”.
melaksanakan pelbagai inisiatif penting yang Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in addition to his
menjadi titik perubahan dalam sejarah Türkiye fruitful initiatives described as a turning point in
dalam usahanya untuk menyertai Kesatuan Eropah the history of the country in its bid to join the EU,
(EU), turut mengambil langkah strategik dalam has taken significant steps toward the resolution
menyelesaikan isu Cyprus serta memperkukuhkan of the Cyprus problem and toward the development
hubungan diplomatik dengan pelbagai negara of efficient relations with many countries through
menerusi dasar luar yang pragmatik dan siri his rational foreign policy and intense series of
lawatan rasmi yang intensif. Kejayaan beliau dalam visits and contacts. The environment of stability
mewujudkan kestabilan politik dan ekonomi di established in the country, while moving the internal
Türkiye menjadikannya sebuah kuasa utama. dynamics, has made Türkiye a pivotal country.
Türkiye mencatat pertumbuhan ketara dalam Türkiye’s volume of trade and political power have
perdagangan dan pengaruh politik, bukan sahaja di remarkably increased not only in its region but also
rantau ini tetapi juga di arena antarabangsa. in the international area.
Sebagai Pengerusi Umum AK Party, TYT Recep Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, as the General
Tayyip Erdoğan mengetuai parti tersebut dan meraih Chairman of the AK Party, won a great victory
kemenangan besar dalam Pilihan Raya Parlimen during the parliamentary elections held on July 22,
pada 22 Julai 2007 serta memperoleh 46.6% melalui 2007 and established the 60th government of the
undian, sekali gus membentuk Kerajaan ke-60 Republic of Türkiye by winning 46.6 % of the votes
Republik Türkiye. and received the vote of confidence.
Pada Pilihan Raya Parlimen 12 Jun 2011, Mr. Erdoğan, winning 49 % of the votes,
TYT Recep Tayyip Erdoğan sekali lagi meraih arose triumphant at the end of the parliamentary
kemenangan dengan 49% undi, membolehkan elections held on June 12, 2011 and established the
beliau menubuhkan Kerajaan ke-61. 61st government.
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