Page 449 - VAIKRA
P. 449

 ordinary mitzvot just like the important mitzvot. This may be what Rashi
 was alluding to in his words “To enjoin the elders (lit. big ones) in regard
 to the minors (lit. small ones).”
 How can Hashem’s command to Am Yisrael “You shall be holy, for holy
 am I” be achieved? Is it possible to resemble Hashem in His kedushah?
 Hashem is entirely spiritual. This is the connection between parshiyot
 Kedoshim and Emor. When a person is meticulous in performing ordinary
 mitzvot, he will ultimately be scrupulous in important matters. In this way,
 he will achieve elevation and sanctification in his level of kedushah.
 The way to become sanctified in Avodat Hashem is by cleaving to the
 attributes of Hashem, as it says, “Just as He is merciful, so too shall you
 be merciful, etc.” Even though it is impossible to reach the exalted level
 of Hashem, nevertheless a person is rewarded for his progress in elevating
 his level of kedushah, while avoiding material pursuits.
 Sometimes, it is precisely the minute details that distinguish a product as
 complete and perfect. Therefore, one should be meticulous in fulfilling
 ordinary (“small”) mitzvot, and thereby achieve perfection in Avodat
 Hashem. Furthermore, parents should be particular in educating their
 children while they are young, because their hearts are still open to
 accepting genuine guidance.

 “Hashem said to Moshe: Say to the Kohanim,
 the sons of Aharon, and you shall say to them”

 (Vayikra 21:1)
                   The Torah places the command to reprove one’s fellow for sinning
                   following the command to refrain from harboring hate for him in his heart
                   to teach us that one can only admonish his fellow properly when his heart
                   is free of baseless hatred.

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