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Torah specifically commands both the elders and the young children # 26347-EYAL-6BOOKS - 26347-Vaikra-EYAL | 15 - B | 18-08-19 | 15:24:57 | SR:-- | Black 26347-EYAL-6BOOKS - 26347-Vaikra-EYAL | 15 - B | 18-08-19 | 15:24:57 | SR:-- | Cyan 26347-EYAL-6BOOKS - 26347-Vaikra-
separately. This implies that the elders are responsible for educating the
younger children by serving as role models. Just as the Torah describes
our forefather’s deeds at length in order to teach us proper behavior, so
too, must we serve as role models for our children. In this way, they will
aspire to emulate our way of life.
The world depends on three things, one of which is the Torah. Chazal say
that before the world was created, Hashem would delight in the Torah.
How is this possible? After all, many portions of the Torah deal with
various prohibitions relating to physical matters. What purpose do they
serve for Hashem? Also, how did Hashem study Torah before the world’s
existence, since many parshiyot discuss stories of our forefathers, who did
notyet existatthe time?
We can explain this according to the Zohar that states that Hashem
“looked into the Torah and created the world.” This implies that the Torah
served as a blueprint, and Hashem created the world according to it. How
did the mitzvot of the Torah serve as a blueprint for Creation? Moreover,
we know that many prohibitions will become permissible in the future,
which implies that the Torah will take on a different form. We need to
clarify what the status of these mitzvot will be in the End of Days.
Hashem created the world through the Torah, which are derivatives of His
Names. Each creation was fashioned through a different combination of
letters derived from a different Name of Hashem. There are exactly the
same numbers of neshamot of Am Yisrael as letters in the Torah. Each
letter corresponds to a different neshamah. In the creation of man, the
Torah, the neshamah, and man formed a partnership in order for man to
be able to exist in the world. Even before the first man and the forefathers
were created, Hashem delighted in the Torah and took pleasure in the
stories of the forefathers. This was possible because Hashem foresaw what
would occur in the future and anticipated its realization. The future
developments of the outstanding deeds of the forefathers brought Hashem
great joy.