Page 467 - VAIKRA
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In the future, when prohibitions of the Torah will become permissible, the
Torah will revert to its origin as it was before the world was created, since
it was originally derived from the Names of Hashem.
The repetition of the words “say” and “and you shall say” implies that in
order to comprehend deep concepts, one must first master the basic issues.
Furthermore, the “brand name” of the world refers to Hashem’s Names,
which are the source of each creation. Therefore, it is Hashem’s Names
that determine the quality and purpose of every creation. Without its
source, the world could not exist. However, it is insufficient to rely on the
initial act of Creation that took place during the six days of Creation. We
must fortify each creation anew each day by studying Torah and through
teaching Torah to the young children.
“Hashem said to Moshe: Say to the Kohanim,
the sons of Aharon, and you shall say to them:
to a [dead] person he shall not become impure
among his people”
(Vayikra 21:1)