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pose a contradiction, because it did not detract from the miracle. Its
purpose was to make Am Yisrael partners in the miracle. The gentile
could not comprehend the concept of partnership with Hashem, since it
was beyond his scope.
Hashem want us to be partners with Him in the sacrificing of korbanot,
since partnership causes a person to feel responsibility toward a venture’s
successful conclusion. Similarly, when Am Yisrael observe Shabbat, they
become partners with Hashem in Creation and therefore feel responsible
in maintaining the world through the study of Torah and fulfillment of
Furthermore, Am Yisrael were required to place firewood on the
Mizbeach, because a tree alludes to the Torah, described as “a tree of life.”
This reminded Bnei Yisrael that whereas korbanot allude to the
connection between man and his Creator, the Torah and mitzvot, hinted
to by the firewood, are what actually join man with Hashem, making them
partners in Creation.
“And on the fifteenth day of this month is the
Festival of Matzot to Hashem; you shall eat
matzot for a seven-day period”
(Vayikra 23:6)