Page 105 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
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The best of the best  | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM  107

                 Briefly about myself before meeting             pension, each year waiting for their regular vacation. In
                 with the Life is Good.                          turn, we, working in the Life is Good, enjoy the beauty of
                 I was born in Orel, the small town, with a population   this life, work and travel around the world! And we want
               of 300,000 people. A city without infrastructure, the   to share this opportunity with others!
               average salary is RUB 12,500. My father worked on the   My first success came after only two months of work,
               railway. I really liked the locomotive driver profession. After   when I made my first 300 personal units in a month and
               receiving it, I worked for 6 years as an Assistant Driver.  received the first award – a silver badge.
                                                                   This was very important to me! In those 30 days that
                 What brought you to the Life is Good?           I did this volume, I went through a great school. There
                 I was an ordinary hard worker driving a train. When   was a lot of practice, and most importantly, I realized that
               hard times came, I was looking for work. I met a man   when you do a certain amount in a limited time, you are
               who radically changed my ideology, attitude to money.   left alone with the client, with the situation. And only you
               But  I  became  a  regular  customer  and  did  not  have  a   can influence your result. Therefore, the first result is so
               complete  understanding                                                    remembered and it is so
               of this business at all. I did                                             precious.
               not even use any network                                                     Therefore, getting your
               marketing products. When                                                   first  award,  you  feel  the
               I worked for the company,                                                  emotions of an athlete
               I  did  not  even  think  that                                             who  finally  got  on  the
               it  was  a  business,  I  just                                             pedestal of the leaders
               responsibly do my job                                                      after long and grueling
               with clients. I immediately                                                workouts.  I  am  grateful
               pointed out the main                                                       to the President of our
               advantages  – this is an                                                   holding for giving us such
               opportunity  that   we                                                     an opportunity  -  to  test
               can give to  people, and                                                   ourselves and get  the
               decency of the company.                                                    reward of dignity.
               Honestly,  it  was  only                                                     Today I have a wonderful
               after a year of work that I                                                team,  to  which  I  am
               understood what network                                                    immensely grateful for the
               marketing is and how to         MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS              fact that they appeared in
               develop  it.  Before  that,  I   The best employee of the year in the      my life. I am grateful to my
               gained experience in sales      company for 2015, 2016, 2017. Ten (10) silver   leaders: Sotnikov Aleksei
               and communication.              badges (300 personal units in 30 days). I   and  Usmanova  Miliaush
                                               have been awarded twice with a gold Swiss   for support and for the
                 How did you achieve           watch with one diamond (500 personal units   fact that we are one of the
               your first success? What        in 30 days) and a gold Swiss watch with 12   youngest guys who break
               were your first steps?          diamonds (1000 units in 30 days). I made a   stereotypes.  We  want  to
                 So,  I  was  an  ordinary     career as 6-level Director for 2 years and 9   show that youth is given to
               client  for  three  years.  In   months from scratch without connections   us for success and to build
               2015,  when  I  started  this   and environment and proved to many young   our own business, and not
               business,  I  worked  alone     guys that this is possible!                to burn life and not to work
               for a year and did not                                                     for hire for unworthy pay. I
               know how and why to             HOBBIES AND INTERESTS                      am grateful to my manager
               build a team. My manager        I like to do different kinds of sports. I prefer   Aleksei  Alekseevich
               gave me a lot of useful         running and gym. I love to travel and thank   Matiukhin,  I  am  glad  that
               things;  I  was  able  to       our holding for the generous promotions that   fate brought me together
               improve professionalism         make it possible to see the world. I like to   with him in 2012, and this
               in working with clients. He     improve my financial literacy, learn and plan   person  still  shares  his  rich
               has repeatedly said that        my opportunities and income.               experience in our business,
               we are learning a new                                                      he taught me to value my
               profession and we need to                                                  time and money.
               spend at least 3 years to become a good specialist in this
               field. One of the main goals of our activity is to change the   What is the secret of your success?
               typical thinking of people for the one that will help them   The  secret  of  success  is  simple:  I  work  hard.  I  have
               see new opportunities and new perspectives, help them   a crazy rhythm of life and  the best leader. The  most
               achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams. Unfortunately,   important thing in this business is discipline and faith in
               many people do not have enough patience to build their   the company, in its products. I firmly go to the goal: to
               successful business. As a result, they take their comfort   prove to myself and my family that in this world you can
               zone  for granted and choose  employment  until the   live on passive income, not working 12 hours a day.

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