Page 109 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
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The best of the best | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM 111
Briefly about myself before meeting
the Life is Good.
A lawyer from a small Siberian town with a beautiful
and mysterious name of Usolye-Sibirskoye.
Marital status: married, raising a son.
Professional life has always been associated with people’s
interests, consulting on legal and housing issues. While
studying at Irkutsk State University I gained experience of
working as a realtor and opened my own real estate agency.
Later I dealt with the problems of international adoption
and worked in the field of children’s rights protection. All
this came in useful in the MLM business.
What brought you to the Life is Good?
I arrived in Irkutsk in 2015 and got on the presentation
of the company by chance. Everything sounded attractive
like a fairy-tail whereas a waiting queue to the housing HOBBIES AND INTERESTS
cooperative lasted for more than a year, and no objects I want to spend every moment with my family –
had been purchased in the region yet. it is the most valuable and more important than
Of course, I have been thinking and analyzing for a long any hobby. We plan a family vacation ahead;
time, and four months later made a decision. However, I postpone all affairs and emerge into family
could have rejected this offer; it is difficult to see long- peace and harmony!
term prospects at the beginning. Now it is clear: yes, I
am at my own place! I realize that I have always been
striving to life where a great deal depends on initiative A year and half ago, I moved to Moscow with my
and one’s efforts and, at the same time, the concept of family. This is my city! I feel comfortable here. Moreover,
team is not empty words. When I signed a contract with there is a huge area for activities. The boundaries and not
the company, I decided: I must work, overcome difficulties, only geographic ones have extended. The perception has
use a comprehensive approach. I will succeed! changed. After the move they often ask how to open a
new region, where to start in an unfamiliar city? Again, the
What is your success story? The first steps? same answer is experience; a business can be developed
I wonder every time when recollect my first year in in any place where people are if you can work with the
business. Where did this crazy energy, passion to win and cold market with completely random people, region is
burning desire to break through come from? I worked 10 not important, the main thing is to consider advertising
hours a day, a firm plan: 100 calls at a cold market, 2-3 campaign and scripts of communication with a client.
meetings minimum per day. This was the most difficult What are the guarantees that they will buy an apartment,
year when my business was founded. Patience, labor and will not lose money etc.? I rely on the regulations and
statistics are the foundation stone which success is built standards, the stories of our happy shareholders. I am also
on. A plenty of work must be done on yourself. People a shareholder in the cooperative; I have an intention to
follow you and it is a great responsibility. Our business buy an apartment in Moscow. I believe in the company,
is built on people’s relationships. It is the most valuable and the clients feel it.
and probably the most fragile ... And sometimes I fail and
emotional breaks are inevitable. About those who are beside.
I remember the beginning of 2016, when I gave up. I I am very grateful to my husband for his support
thought that was not for me: I do not have an eloquent and understanding. He sees with what pleasure and
tongue, the stage makes me shaking... I left the business excitement I develop business. Of course, I am often away,
for a month and half. Thanks to the head, he supported but I try to compensate everything. My people work in
and dragged me out of depression. Of course, it is hard different regions, we are constantly in touch, not only
to sweep away old habits, change beliefs, leave a personal for work issues, sometimes something especially private.
comfort zone but the result is worth it! It is important! I love these people and it gives me the
The main thing is to change your way of thinking. The strength and energy to move on.
most frequently asked question concerns the cold market Today I want to do my job and only in my beloved
work; many people know that my entire team consists of company. Here is the most profitable marketing.
people whom Nevertheless, it is not about the money. Life changes
I did not know until joining the Life is Good Company. here! The President of the holding company, Roman
I have fully changed my surroundings; the experience Vasilenko, can do the lives of the employees bright and
gained for the years of work as a realtor helped me a lot. full: promotions, balls, training in amazing cities of the
There is such an opinion that the network business is built world. We have interesting and meaningful lives. This is
among friends, I always have taught my team to work with the first and the only company where I like absolutely
random people, close ones will come to the result. everything!