Page 111 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
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The best of the best | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM 113
Briefly about myself before meeting for searching something new, and I began to think for
the Life is Good. investments.
I was born in Karaganda, Kazakh SSR. Aleksandr Kosygin, an old friend of mine, who had
Education and training. Graduated from Polytechnical proposed me to participate in various investment projects
Institute of Physics in Almaty (now Satpayev KazNTRU). more than few times, offered me to open a VISTA
Over 10 years I worked in coal mining industry, having account. At once the offer seemed very long-term to me.
made a career from a face foreman to a Head of a So, my son-in-law and I became the investors in a very
Production Unit. trustworthy company, and at the same time Aleksandr’s
I left in 1997 due to the liquidation of most mining first clients, to whom I am very grateful for this offer.
companies in the country.
Marital status: married How did your first
for 32 years. My wife and success come to you?
I have two adult children What were the first
of 28 and 31 years old and steps?
two grandchildren. Next week we opened
the same account for my
What brought you to first client, then for the
the Life is Good? second one. And then,
I tried myself in for almost a year, I was
different fields of just the investor, studying
business. A couple of and watching the Vista
friends, former miners, account, and at the same
and I were engaged time I transfer the control
in re-selling various over my company to a
manufactured goods at trained deputy. And only
the companies of the city. in June 2016, I decided to
We became the founders promote the products of
of a company that has the Life is Good company!
worked for more than The reason for the decision
three years. However, as is obvious: for a year I
it happens, the founders have seen the highest
a significant controversy MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS corporate culture, huge
occurred between the I really like that the material component and worthy ambitions
founders in a view of of success came to me later than the of the management and
different life goals and emotional one. The LG corporate silver sign leaders, great possibilities
values. First time in my is given not to everyone in the company for education, enrichment,
life, it became clear to that is why it brings great satisfaction and personal growth and for
me that if people unite joy. This is a sign of success recognition. acquiring property – in
having only one purpose And I have six of them! I was honored with a short, for everything that a
to make money and this watch engraved with my name for personal regular person needs!
goal is very close, then sales. The President, Roman Vasilenko, Today all this is a
this goal is not worth it. personally handed me this watch for four powerful inspiring motive
After the company times! One pair has twelve diamonds! Four for me to distribute the
collapse, I devoted the times were my good fortune to be one of products of the Life is
time to self-education. At the winners in promo offerings, as the result, Good, to push the worthy
the same time I worked I was awarded with trips to Vietnam, Sri ideas of the President of
as a Top Manager for the Lanka and the islands of Ibiza and Crete! the holding company to
company selling vehicle And I have achieved 6-level director status people, because, apart
consumables for about in a year and half. from money, there is an
three years. And in 2006, enormous reward from
I made a decision to open HOBBIES AND INTERESTS people in the form of their
a family business, which I am interested in water tourism and acknowledgement !
still exists in the Karaganda parachuting, acoustic guitar and bard song, And, of course, if you
region. But soon, despite Russian bath and an ice hole. And recently, do what you love, without
the good totals, some I have bought a house in St. Petersburg, going crazy, as I always
difficulties arose related and now I devote my spare time to the say, but with great public
to the personnel, the tax garden plot with a great pleasure. What spirit, your clients will
system, and the lack of luck to do the job, which helps you to see that and trust you.
loyal business lending implement your hobbies and interests! My approach sounds as
programs. It pushed me follows: no doubt!